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Extend JPA entity to add attributes and logic

I need to know if it's possible to add some attributes and behaviours to some POJO JPA entity (using hibernate provider) by extending it, and then to make entityManager to return extended objects instead of just pojo entitys, like the following examples:

POJO JPA Entity Class

public class Test implements Serializable {

Extended Class

public class ExtendedTest extends Test {

Fetching Extended Class's objects

List<ExtendedTest> extendedList = entityManager.createNamedQuery("ExtendedTest.findByFoo").setParameter("foo", "bar").getResultList();

The other possible way i'm assessing is extending funcionality with a composite entity and delegating all setters and getters, but this could mean a lot of work with huge tables:

public class ExtendedTest2 {
    private Test test;

    public ExtendedTest2(Test test) {
        this.test = test;

    public getFoo() {
        return test.getFoo();

    public getBar() {
        return test.getBar();


Any suggestions will be very appreciated.

like image 860
jmoreira Avatar asked Sep 24 '12 17:09


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1 Answers

Using @Inheritance

public class Test {

public class ExtendedTest 
    extends Test {

or @MappedSuperclass

public class Test {

public class ExtendedTest 
    extends Test {
like image 105
Ilya Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
