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Extend forms authentication to use a custom http header for ticket

I have a wcf webhttp service which uses forms authentication to authenticate users. This works fine if the ticket comes in the cookie collection or in the url.

But now I want to send the string of the forms auth ticket in a custom http header and change the forms auth module to check for that header instead of the cookie.

I think it should be easy to extend forms auth to achive this, but could not find any resources of how to. Can you point me in the right direction ?

here's how my authentication flow would work,

  1. A client calls the authenticate method with the username and pwd
  2. Service returns the encrypted ticket string
  3. Client send the received ticket string in a http header with every subsequent request
  4. Service checks for auth header and validates the auth ticket
like image 768
Amila Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 03:04


People also ask

What is HTTP header authentication?

The HTTP Authorization request header can be used to provide credentials that authenticate a user agent with a server, allowing access to a protected resource. The Authorization header is usually, but not always, sent after the user agent first attempts to request a protected resource without credentials.

How do I get request header Authorization?

To send a GET request with a Bearer Token authorization header, you need to make an HTTP GET request and provide your Bearer Token with the Authorization: Bearer {token} HTTP header.

Why is form authentication not sufficient anymore?

Forms authentication does not encrypt the user's credentials. Therefore, forms authentication is not secure unless used with SSL.

1 Answers

FormAuthentication module is not extendible, but you could write your own authentication. It is very simple:


var formsTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
    1, login, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), persistent, String.Empty);
var encryptedFormsTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(formsTicket);
//return encryptedFormsTicket string to client

Service call with attached ticket(4):

var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(encryptedFormsTicket)
//extract authentication info from ticket: ticket.Name
like image 116
6opuc Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
