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Express.js route that responds to any subfolder get request

I am trying to set a route in express js that would be triggered by any query that would start with that route Url.

For instance, I want to do the following in an html file:

<a href="/article/article1">Article 1</a>
<a href="/article/article2">Article 2</a>

and handle the 2 Url by a single route:

app.get('/article/*',function(req,res) {
   // do something with req.path

I know static does that so there should be a way. I want to do this without using query parameters, because urls without query parameters feel more static, and I want to give the users this impression that the page will always work.

Is there something to do that?

like image 842
edeboursetty Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 12:03


1 Answers

Turns out

app.get('/article/*',function(req,res) {
   // do something with req.path

works fine...

like image 90
edeboursetty Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 22:04
