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Expressjs one function to handle GET and POST

Is it is better to have a separate function to handle GET and POST requests for the same API endpoint or combine them into one function that discriminates based on the existence of req.body or req.params?


app.get('/api/profilepic',  api.get_profilepic);
app.post('/api/profilepic',  api.change_profilepic);


app.get('/api/profilepic',  api.profilepic);
app.post('/api/profilepic',  api.profilepic);

If the latter, does expressjs provide a helper function to determine the request type? My approach so far to determine if req is POST requires underscore:

if (_.size(req.body) == 0)
like image 752
max Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 21:11


2 Answers

There is no general rule, the best approach depends on the case you are working on. I think if you want an api endpoint that accept POST and GET requests combined, you should use express function all() like this:

app.all('/api/profilepic',  api.get_profilepic);

You should use seperate endpoints for POST and GET when the handler function is not the same.

For more details see: http://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html

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Marrouchi Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 13:12


Best practice is to separate concerns; therefore, you should have separate functions to handle each HTTP verb. This makes the code easier to maintain.

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Brett Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 13:12
