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Express.js hbs module - register partials from .hbs file

I'm using the handlebars.js hbs wrapper in express.js. I have templates working fine, but I'm needing to add in partials to be rendered with my views.

I'd like to do something like this:

hbs.registerPartial('headPartial', 'header');  // where "header" is an .hbs file in my views folder 

However, it's throwing a "header partial can not be found".

I can make the registerPartial work if I pass a string of html to the second param, but I'd like to use separate view files for my partials.

I haven't found any documentation on this, but hoping I may just be missing something easy.

Does anyone know how to use view files in the registerPartial method? If so, how do I implement this?


To give more context, let me add more code. Here is my "server" file - app.js

var express = require('express') , routes = require('./routes') , hbs = require('hbs');  var app = module.exports = express.createServer();  // Configuration  app.configure(function(){   app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');   app.set('view engine', 'hbs');   app.use(express.bodyParser());   app.use(express.methodOverride());   app.use(app.router);   app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); });  app.configure('development', function(){   app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true })); });  app.configure('production', function(){   app.use(express.errorHandler()); });  // this is the line that generates the error hbs.registerPartial('headPartial', 'header');   // What I'm expecting is for "headPartial" to be a compiled template partial  // of the template within views/header.hbs, but it is not loading this way. // If I do something like hbs.registerPartial('headPartial', '<p>test</p>'); // then it does work. I need to know how to pass an .hbs file to the // registerPartial method.  // Routes app.get('/', routes.index);  app.listen(3000); 

And here is my routes.index file:

exports.index = function(req, res){   res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }) }; 

In my views folder, I have three templates:

views/   header.hbs (this is my partial)   index.hbs   layout.hbs 

In my index.hbs file, I'm calling the 'headPartial' partial with:

{{> headPartial}} 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

like image 496
swatkins Avatar asked Nov 09 '11 03:11


People also ask

How do you include partials in HBS?

hbs' files: To get the reference to these files to work we need to registers these files, which are partials using: '__dirname' is the root folder of our project and link to the subfolder '/views/partials' as seen here: Our code in our 'home.

What is partials in Express JS?

Partials are basically just views that are designed to be used from within other views. They are particularly useful for reusing the same markup between different views, layouts, and even other partials. <%- partial('./partials/navbar.ejs') %>

2 Answers

For convenience, registerPartials provides a quick way to load all partials from a specific directory:

var hbs = require('hbs'); hbs.registerPartials(__dirname + '/views/partials'); 

Partials that are loaded from a directory are named based on their filename, where spaces and hyphens are replaced with an underscore character:

template.html      -> {{> template}} template 2.html    -> {{> template_2}} login view.hbs     -> {{> login_view}} template-file.html -> {{> template_file}} 


like image 61
milyord Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09


This code loads all the partial templates in a directory and makes them available by filename:

var hbs = require('hbs'); var fs = require('fs');  var partialsDir = __dirname + '/../views/partials';  var filenames = fs.readdirSync(partialsDir);  filenames.forEach(function (filename) {   var matches = /^([^.]+).hbs$/.exec(filename);   if (!matches) {     return;   }   var name = matches[1];   var template = fs.readFileSync(partialsDir + '/' + filename, 'utf8');   hbs.registerPartial(name, template); }); 
like image 39
Ben Williamson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Ben Williamson