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Expressjs doesn't destroy session

I have an Backbone View which sends an Ajax call to the server to remove a session.

On the server following event is triggered:

app.delete('/session', function(req, res) {
    if (req.session) {
        req.session.destroy(function() {
            res.clearCookie('connect.sid', { path: '/' });
            res.send('removed session', 200);
    } else {
        res.send('no session assigned', 500);

The weird about this is that I can press the logout button multiple times without getting a HTTP 500 error code. Also chromium shows me that a cookie still exists.

What is going wrong?



I found out that this isn't directly a session issue but a cookie one. I added res.clearCookie to the route. Unfortunatly the behaviour (cookie, session keep alive) didn't change

EDIT2: I now gave res.clearCookie some parameters => res.clearCookie('connect.sid', { path: '/' }); Now at least the cookie is gone in the browser. But the session seems to be still available. Or at least I can call the logout route how often I want even req.session should be false

EDIT3: I now removed all sessions out of redis and restarted everything (redis, node, browser). Than I have logged in again and logged out. This works so far but when I relaod the page with F5 I get a new session. WHY?

like image 442
bodokaiser Avatar asked Jul 20 '12 08:07


People also ask

How secure is express session?

If you run with https and your physical computer is secure from outsiders, then your express session cookie is protected from outsiders when stored locally and is protected (by https) when in transport to the server.

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Express is currently, and for many years, the de-facto library in the Node. js ecosystem. When you are looking for any tutorial to learn Node, Express is presented and taught to people.

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js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. In other words, NodeJS is the package, which provides the JavaScript run-time environment, whereas Express is a framework that sits on top of NodeJS and helps us to handle requests and responses.

1 Answers

To concentrate all comments together I have written an answer:

Because express always creates a session and a cookie for a client we have to take a different approach than just to check if there is a session.

This parts handles logins

app.post('/session', function(req, res) {
    User.findOne({ username: req.body.username })
        .select('salt') // my mongoose schema doesn't fetches salt
        .select('password') // and password by default
        .exec(function(err, user) {
            if (err || user === null) throw err; // awful error handling here
            // mongoose schema methods which checks if the sent credentials
            // are equal to the hashed password (allows callback)
            user.hasEqualPassword(req.body.password, function(hasEqualPassword) {
                if (hasEqualPassword) {
                    // if the password matches we do this:
                    req.session.authenticated = true; // flag the session, all logged-in check now check if authenticated is true (this is required for the secured-area-check-middleware)
                    req.session.user = user; // this is optionally. I have done this because I want to have the user credentials available
                    // another benefit of storing the user instance in the session is
                    // that we can gain from the speed of redis. If the user logs out we would have to save the user instance in the session (didn't tried this)
                    res.send(200); // sent the client that everything gone ok
                } else {
                    res.send("wrong password", 500); // tells the client that the password was wrong (on production sys you want to hide what gone wronge)

That was the login part lets go to the logout:

app.delete('/session', function(req, res) {
    // here is our security check
    // if you use a isAuthenticated-middleware you could make this shorter
    if (req.session.authenticated) {
        // this destroys the current session (not really necessary because you get a new one
        req.session.destroy(function() {
            // if you don't want destroy the whole session, because you anyway get a new one you also could just change the flags and remove the private informations
            // req.session.user.save(callback(err, user)) // didn't checked this
            //delete req.session.user;  // remove credentials
            //req.session.authenticated = false; // set flag
            //res.clearCookie('connect.sid', { path: '/' }); // see comments above                res.send('removed session', 200); // tell the client everything went well
    } else {
        res.send('cant remove public session', 500); // public sessions don't containt sensible information so we leave them

Hope this helps

like image 144
bodokaiser Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
