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Expression to create an instance with object initializer

Is there any way to create an instance of an object with object initializer with an Expression Tree? I mean create an Expression Tree to build this lambda:

// my class
public class MyObject {
    public bool DisplayValue { get; set; }

// my lambda:
var lambda = (Func<bool, MyObject>)
             (displayValue => new MyObject { DisplayValue = displayValue });

How can I create this lambda with an Expression Tree?


I tryed myself and write following code:

    public static Func<bool, dynamic> Creator;

    static void BuildLambda() {
        var expectedType = typeof(MyObject);
        var displayValueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "displayValue");
        var ctor = Expression.New(expectedType);
        var local = Expression.Parameter(expectedType, "obj");
        var displayValueProperty = Expression.Property(ctor, "DisplayValue");

        var returnTarget = Expression.Label(expectedType);
        var returnExpression = Expression.Return(returnTarget,local, expectedType);
        var returnLabel = Expression.Label(returnTarget, Expression.Default(expectedType));

        var block = Expression.Block(
            new[] { local },
            Expression.Assign(local, ctor),
            Expression.Assign(displayValueProperty, displayValueParam),
            Expression.Return(Expression.Label(expectedType), local, expectedType),
        Creator =
            Expression.Lambda<Func<bool, dynamic>>(block, displayValueParam)

But it throws the following error:

Cannot jump to undefined label ''.

Can everybody help me please?

like image 244
amiry jd Avatar asked Oct 03 '12 04:10

amiry jd

People also ask

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To create an object of a named class by using an object initializer. Begin the declaration as if you planned to use a constructor. Type the keyword With , followed by an initialization list in braces. In the initialization list, include each property that you want to initialize and assign an initial value to it.

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In object initializer, you can initialize the value to the fields or properties of a class at the time of creating an object without calling a constructor. In this syntax, you can create an object and then this syntax initializes the freshly created object with its properties, to the variable in the assignment.

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There are two ways to initialize a class object: Using a parenthesized expression list. The compiler calls the constructor of the class using this list as the constructor's argument list. Using a single initialization value and the = operator.

2 Answers

Finally I found my answer:

public static Func<bool, dynamic> Creator; 

static void BuildLambda() { 
    var expectedType = typeof(MyObject); 
    var displayValueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "displayValue"); 
    var ctor = Expression.New(expectedType); 
    var local = Expression.Parameter(expectedType, "obj"); 
    var displayValueProperty = Expression.Property(local, "DisplayValue"); 

    var returnTarget = Expression.Label(expectedType); 
    var returnExpression = Expression.Return(returnTarget,local, expectedType); 
    var returnLabel = Expression.Label(returnTarget, Expression.Default(expectedType)); 

    var block = Expression.Block( 
        new[] { local }, 
        Expression.Assign(local, ctor), 
        Expression.Assign(displayValueProperty, displayValueParam), 
        /* I forgot to remove this line:
         * Expression.Return(Expression.Label(expectedType), local, expectedType), 
         * and now it works.
         * */
    Creator = 
        Expression.Lambda<Func<bool, dynamic>>(block, displayValueParam) 


While it works fine, but @svick provide a better and shorter way in his answer that is actuallt wath I was looking for: MemberInit. Please see @svick's answer.

like image 24
amiry jd Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 09:11

amiry jd

To represent object initializers in an Expression, you should use Expression.MemberInit():

Expression<Func<bool, MyObject>> BuildLambda() { 
    var createdType = typeof(MyObject);
    var displayValueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "displayValue"); 
    var ctor = Expression.New(createdType);
    var displayValueProperty = createdType.GetProperty("DisplayValue");
    var displayValueAssignment = Expression.Bind(
        displayValueProperty, displayValueParam);
    var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(ctor, displayValueAssignment);

        Expression.Lambda<Func<bool, MyObject>>(memberInit, displayValueParam);

To verify this actually does what you want, you can call ToString() on the created expression. In this case, the output is as expected:

displayValue => new MyObject() {DisplayValue = displayValue}
like image 199
svick Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 08:11
