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Exporting binary file data (images) from SQL via a stored procedure

I am trying to export a fairly large number of image files, stored internally in an SQL database as binary data.

Being fairly new to writing stored procedures in SQL, I have come across a couple of very useful guides on how this can be archived, but I seem to be missing something.

I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 locally, and I am trying to write the files to a folder on my C:\ drive.

Here is the buisness part of what I have so far:

DECLARE @result int

SELECT 'BCP "SELECT Photograph_Data FROM [ALBSCH Trial].[dbo].[Photograph] WHERE Photograph_ID = '
  + CAST(Photograph_ID AS VARCHAR(500)) + '" queryout "' + @OutputFilePath 
  + CAST(Photograph_ID AS VARCHAR(500)) + '.jpg"' + ' -n -T'
FROM dbo.Photograph

OPEN curExportBinaryDocs   
FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryDocs INTO @cmd
     --PRINT @cmd
     EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell @cmd         
     FETCH NEXT FROM curExportBinaryDocs INTO @cmd
CLOSE curExportBinaryDocs
DEALLOCATE curExportBinaryDocs

'@result' is always being set to '1' (failed) after the xp_cmdshell call. All the table names/fields are correct, so I suspect there is something wrong with my BCP call, but I am not sure what to try next.

Any help or advice would be very welcome.

like image 938
ChrisMurray Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 20:08


People also ask

How do I store and retrieve image from SQL Server database?

Converting image into binary data We can't store an image directly into the database. For this we have two solutions: To store the location of the image in the database. Converting the image into binary data and insert that binary data into database and convert that back to image while retrieving the records.

Can SQL store binary data?

Binary, Varbinary & Varbinary(max) are the binary string data types in SQL Server. These data types are used to store raw binary data up to a length of (32K – 1) bytes. The contents of image files (BMP, TIFF, GIF, or JPEG format files), word files, text files, etc.

How do I Export a SQL stored procedure?

Export Stored Procedure in SQL ServerIn the Object Explorer, right-click on your database. Select Tasks from the context menu that appears. Select the Generate Scripts command.

2 Answers

Well, first of all.. (and sorry about that ;) ) DON"T USE CURSORS.. and sorry for the caps...

One of the most baddest things about cursors are that they can lock your table. What i always do for these purposes (and which is quite faster), i use a for loop.. like this

declare @totrow int
      , @currow int
      , @result int
      , @nsql nvarchar(max)

declare @sqlStatements table (
  Id int identity(1, 1)
, SqlStatement varchar(max)
into    @sqlStatements
select  'QUERY PART'
from    table

set @totrow = @@rowcount
set @currow = 1
while @totrow > 0 and @currow <= @totrow
  select @nsql = SqlStatement
  from   @SqlStatements
  where  Id = @currow

  exec @result = xp_cmdshell @nsql

  set @currow = @currow + 1

For the next part, does the SQL Server process has enough permission to write to the c: drive? Also, look into your message pane when you execute your code, maybe you can find something there?

What you also can do, try to execute it manually. Just get one BCP statement and execute it with the xp_cmdshell. Does it gives any errors?

like image 129
Mark Kremers Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Mark Kremers

Here is my final working procedure and format file. I was not able to find the finer details of BCP commands, permision settings and format file layouts in one place, so maybe this will be of use to someone.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ImgExport] 
   @OutputFilePath VARCHAR(500) = 'C:\SQLTest\ '
   DECLARE @totrow int
   DECLARE @currow int
   DECLARE @result int
   DECLARE @nsql nvarchar(4000)
   DECLARE @sqlStatements table (ID int IDENTITY(1, 1),  SqlStatement varchar(max))   

   INTO @sqlStatements
   SELECT 'BCP "SELECT Photograph_Data FROM [ALBSCH_Trial].[dbo].[Photograph] WHERE  Photograph_ID = '''
     + CAST(Photograph_ID AS VARCHAR(500)) + '''" queryout ' + @OutputFilePath 
     + CAST(Photograph_ID AS VARCHAR(500)) + '.jpg -S localhost\SQLEXPRESS2008 -T -f C:\SQLTest\Images.fmt'
   FROM dbo.Photograph  

   SET @totrow = @@ROWCOUNT
   SET @currow = 1
   WHILE @totrow > 0 and @currow <= @totrow
      SELECT @nsql = SqlStatement
      FROM @sqlStatements
      WHERE ID = @currow
      EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell @nsql
      SET @currow = @currow + 1

Format file:

1       SQLBINARY       0       0       "\t"     1      Photograph_Data                                  ""

I hope that helps somebody.

like image 23
ChrisMurray Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10
