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Export TFS 2010 History to Excel or Text Document


How do you export history from TFS 2010 that includes the user, date and the complete comment (not truncated)?

For example, in Team Explorer: right-click team member name > show check-in history. This will bring up the user's check-in history, but the comments are truncated.

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Metro Smurf Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 14:04

Metro Smurf

2 Answers

You have 3 options here:

  1. Parse output from the tf.exe history command.
  2. Write code against the TFS client object model.
  3. Write a query directly against the TFS database.

Number 1 is probably the easiest so I'll start with that. You can read the documentation for the tf history command here. In order to get the comment non-truncated you will need to use the /format:detailed option. If you want all of the history, try something like this:

tf history $/ /r /format:detailed /noprompt

If you are looking for all of the changesets for a given user, try this:

tf history $/ /r /format:detailed /user: /noprompt

That will produce a fair amount of text output that you would need to parse to be able to put it into excel. Give that a shot and if you are interested in options 2 or 3 let me know and I can give you more details.

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Taylor Lafrinere Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Taylor Lafrinere

The easiest way is to connect to the TFSWharehouse from excel, then pull the data from the source control history in a excel sheet. This is really simple and very powerful.

You'll find useful info here: http://www.woodwardweb.com/vsts/getting_started.html


Using the TFS API to enumerate the changesets when you don't have access to SSAS (e.g. tfspreview.com for instance):

TeamProjectPicker tpp = new TeamProjectPicker(TeamProjectPickerMode.SingleProject, true); tpp.ShowDialog();  var tpc = tpp.SelectedTeamProjectCollection;  VersionControlServer versionControl = tpc.GetService<VersionControlServer>();  var tp = versionControl.GetTeamProject("MyTeamProject"); var path = tp.ServerItem;  var q = versionControl.QueryHistory(path, VersionSpec.Latest, 0, RecursionType.Full, null, new ChangesetVersionSpec(1), VersionSpec.Latest, Int32.MaxValue, false, true, false, false);  foreach (Changeset cs in q) {     var user = cs.Owner;     var comment = cs.Comment;     var date = cs.CreationDate;      Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("[{3}] Date: {0}, User: {1}, Comment {2}", date, user, comment, cs.ChangesetId)); } 
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Nock Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09
