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Export of a class instance in Javascript

I was looking at this code where a class instance is exported in a little bit weird way.

Providing a snipped. It is exported as follows:

    class RegisterStore {
    @observable success = false
    @observable failure = false
    @observable errors = {}

export default new RegisterStore()
export { RegisterStore }

And it is imported as follows in index.js:

import registerStore from './stores/RegisterStore'
const stores = {

Why are there two exports at the end of the first code? Is
export default new RegisterStore() AND
const NewRegisterStore = new RegisterStore(); export default NewRegisterStore are equivalent?

like image 382
uneet7 Avatar asked Jan 26 '19 12:01


People also ask

Can you export a class in JavaScript?

Use named exports to export a class in JavaScript, e.g. export class Employee {} . The exported class can be imported by using a named import as import {Employee} from './another-file. js' . You can use as many named exports as necessary in a file.

Can you export in JavaScript?

The export declaration is used to export values from a JavaScript module. Exported values can then be imported into other programs with the import declaration or dynamic import.

Can you export function of class?

By the use of an export keyword, we can export class, function, file, interface, type, etc. in TypeScript. By default it comes up with all the classes or interfaces we create in TypeScript, after this we can easily import these files using the 'import' keyword.

1 Answers

No export default new RegisterStore() and export { RegisterStore } are not equal. In export { RegisterStore } you are exporting the class as a part of an export object while in export default new RegisterStore() you are exporting instance of class.

Further. export default new RegisterStore() should be enough to work fine. Exporting again line is useless until you dont want to import multiple variables from the same file. In that case it would be like:

export new RegisterStore();
export const anotherVariable = "TESTTEST";

and import like:

import {RegisterStore, anotherVariable} from './stores/RegisterStore';

Further to your last query: NO

export default new RegisterStore() AND 
export default const RegisterStore = new RegisterStore() are equivalent?

are not equivalent too.

Firstly export default const RegisterStore = new RegisterStore() throws error because RegisterStore is already declared as class and you are again declaring it with const.


export default const NewRegisterStore = new RegisterStore()

is also wrong because default exports have to be either exported as anonymous or the variables have to be declared first before exporting.

For your example it should be like:

let NewRegisterStore; export default NewRegisterStore = new RegisterStore();


export default new RegisterStore() AND 

let NewRegisterStore; export default NewRegisterStore = new RegisterStore(); are equivalent

Please read more about "named export" and "export default" here

like image 189
Gaurav Saraswat Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Gaurav Saraswat