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Export from sqlite to csv using shell script





I'm making a shell script to export a sqlite query to a csv file, just like this:

 #!/bin/bash ./bin/sqlite3 ./sys/xserve_sqlite.db ".headers on" ./bin/sqlite3 ./sys/xserve_sqlite.db ".mode csv" ./bin/sqlite3 ./sys/xserve_sqlite.db ".output out.csv" ./bin/sqlite3 ./sys/xserve_sqlite.db "select * from eS1100_sensor_results;" ./bin/sqlite3 ./sys/xserve_sqlite.db ".exit" 

When executing the script, the output apears on the screen, instead of being saved to "out.csv". It's working doing the same method with the command line, but I don't know why the shell script fails to export data to the file.

What am I doing wrong?

like image 512
Rorro Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 08:04


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1 Answers

Instead of the dot commands, you could use sqlite3 command options:

sqlite3 -header -csv my_db.db "select * from my_table;" > out.csv 

This makes it a one-liner.

Also, you can run a sql script file:

sqlite3 -header -csv my_db.db < my_script.sql > out.csv 

Use sqlite3 -help to see the list of available options.

like image 71
Hollister Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09
