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Export as PDF using Selenium Webdriver Screenshot

Does anyone know if it's possible to export HTML to PDF using the screenshot feature in Selenium Firefox WebDriver? I have a webpage which has print specific css which I need to download automatically. I understand that the screenshot feature takes a screenshot of the page as an image, but I was looking for a scalable PDF file which is good for print.

like image 752
user1038814 Avatar asked Nov 13 '15 11:11


1 Answers

Screenshots in Selenium are saved as PNG. And PNG and PDF are different kind of formats. So Selenium cannot save your HTML page image directly as a PDF.

But, you could try to insert the PNG screenshot that Selenium takes and add it to a PDF.

Check this answer. Basically, you will need a library (like itext) and do something like:

// Take screenshot
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, new File("screenshot.png"));

// Create the PDF
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 20, 20, 20, 20);
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("my_web.pdf"));
Image image = Image.getInstance(getClass().getResource("screenshot.png"));

Hope it helps!


Since webs can be pretty high, you will probably need to check the documentation to see how you want to set your image in a PDF file.

like image 99
makeMonday Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
