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Expo not publishing

When I try to publish my Expo apps, it seems to have problems with apps that have un-optimized assets. I try to run expo optimize on these but sometimes I can't get this to work so I try publishing anyway, from the browser console, and it never finishes. I tried this earlier today and it got through Optimizing assets... in the publish process, and then go stuck on Building Javascript Bundle. Right now I'm trying again and it appears to be stuck on Optimizing /Users/TuzMacbookPro2017/Development/QMG-local/APPS/ELECTRO/assets/electro-icon-1024.png.

Even with this un-optimized asset I can get through expo build:ios without any apparent problems.

Any solutions?

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Jonathan Tuzman Avatar asked Jul 11 '19 18:07

Jonathan Tuzman

1 Answers

I had the same problem. Could not publish from the web console.

I am using: Expo SDK 35, expo-cli 3.1.0

I managed to publish the app from the command line at my project root.

first, run:

expo optimize

second run:

expo publish

When the process finishes, the cli will then output an URL that you can visit to check the published app.

Something like this:


I hope this helps.

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Dr. Younes Henni Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 03:11

Dr. Younes Henni