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Expo - Local Notifications not working on devices

I'm using EXPO to create an app for Android and iOS, with React Native. There is a weird behavior in this code: It's working properly on the Expo App, but it's not working in the real devices (standalone build) (happening on iOS AND Android).

The logic of these Local notifications is the following: The idea is to show to the user 3 local notifications:

  • The first one, 1 week after the last time the user opened the app
  • The second one, 1 month after the last time the user opened the app
  • The last one, 2 months after the last time the user opened the app

How do I do it?

The first time the app is opened, I ask the user if she wants to see notifications. If the user says YES, I write that info in the local storage, and then I request the USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS permission to show local notifications.

I'm using USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS because I don't send remote notifications.

Then, the second time the user opens the app, I do the following:

  • I remove all the previous notifications
  • I check if the user WANTS to see notifications
  • I check if the user/device GAVE US permissions to show notifications
  • I schedule the 3 notifications.

Here, part of the code:

componentDidMount() {
      .then(() => {
        getUserNotificationsPermission().then(userWants => {
          if (userWants) {
            getDeviceNotificationsPermission().then(grantedByDevice => {
              if (grantedByDevice) {
      .catch(() => {
        // :shrug:

Here, all those utils functions:

// Cancel all the notifications
const cancelAllScheduled = () => {
  return ExpoNotifications.cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync();

// Check in local storage if the user WANTS to see notifications
const getUserNotificationsPermission = () => {
  return AsyncStorage.getItem('userNotificationPermission').then(data => {
    let isEnabled;

    try {
      isEnabled = JSON.parse(data);
    } catch (error) {
      isEnabled = false;

    return isEnabled;

// Check if user/device ALLOW US to show notifications
const getDeviceNotificationsPermission = () => {
  return Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS).then(({ status }) => {
    return status === 'granted';

// Add days
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/19691491/1815449
const _addDays = (date, days) => {
  var result = new Date(date);
  result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
  return result;

// Schedule all the notifications
// One notification is going to be shown on 1 week
// Other notification in 1 month
// Other notification in 2 month
const scheduleNotifications = () => {
  const now = new Date();

  const oneWeek = {
    title: 'We miss you!',
    body: "Come to see what we've been up to and share your latest adventures with us!",
    data: {
      type: 'WEEKLY',
  const oneWeekOptions = { time: _addDays(now, 7) };
  ExpoNotifications.scheduleLocalNotificationAsync(oneWeek, oneWeekOptions);

  const oneMonth = {
    title: 'We miss you!',
    body: "Come to see what we've been up to and share your latest adventures with us!",
    data: {
      type: 'MONTHLY',
  const oneMonthOptions = { time: _addDays(now, 30) };
  ExpoNotifications.scheduleLocalNotificationAsync(oneMonth, oneMonthOptions);

  const twoMonth = {
    title: 'We miss you!',
    body: "Come to see what we've been up to and share your latest adventures with us!",
    data: {
      type: 'MONTHLY 2',
  const twoMonthOptions = { time: _addDays(now, 60) };
  ExpoNotifications.scheduleLocalNotificationAsync(twoMonth, twoMonthOptions);

Do you see any clue about why this could not be working? I already opened the app and granted all the permissions and killed and opened the app again close to 1.000 times hehehe. The last months I didn't open the app for 9 days (I did it 3 times) and I never saw any notification. But, the notifications are properly shown in the Expo Dev App.

Ps.: I do the cancelAllScheduled every time the user opens the app because these notifications need to be reset every time the user opens the app, due to I want to show then weeks after "the last time app was opened"

Ps2.: This is the documentation I followed to implement it:

  • https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/
  • https://docs.expo.io/versions/v32.0.0/sdk/permissions/
like image 438
Broda Noel Avatar asked May 14 '19 16:05

Broda Noel

People also ask

Does Expo support push notifications?

The expo-notifications provides an API to fetch push notification tokens and to present, schedule, receive and respond to notifications.

How do Expo notifications work?

By default, you can send a notification to your users by sending their Expo Push Token and any text or additional data needed for the message. This is easy to set up, but if the tokens are leaked, a malicious user would be able to impersonate your app and send their own message to your users.

1 Answers

Seems like this was the problem: https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/4121 The notifications work, but due to I was scheduling them for 1 week, 1 month, and more, the notifications were not shown due to most of those devices were restarted after scheduling the notifications.

I have been waiting for 1 week with no opening the app again in iOS, and with no restarting the device or even upgrading the SO, and I can see the notification. I didn't test it in Android yet. I may have to leave the Android phone connected for 1 week and see what happens.

like image 101
Broda Noel Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11

Broda Noel