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Explanation of `let` and block scoping with for loops

I understand that let prevents duplicate declarations which is nice.

let x;
let x; // error!

Variables declared with let can also be used in closures which can be expected

let i = 100;
setTimeout(function () { console.log(i) }, i); // '100' after 100 ms

What I have a bit of difficulty grasping is how let applies to loops. This seems to be specific to for loops. Consider the classic problem:

// prints '10' 10 times
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i)) }
// prints '0' through '9'
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i)) }

Why does using let in this context work? In my imagination even though only one block is visible, for actually creates a separate block for each iteration and the let declaration is done inside of that block ... but there is only one let declaration to initialize the value. Is this just syntactic sugar for ES6? How is this working?

I understand the differences between var and let and have illustrated them above. I'm particularly interested in understanding why the different declarations result in different output using a for loop.

like image 657
Explosion Pills Avatar asked Jun 17 '15 18:06

Explosion Pills

People also ask

Why do we use let in for loop?

According to MDN using let in the for loop like that should bind the variable in the scope of the loop's body. Things work as I'd expect them when I use a temporary variable inside the block.

What is block scoping?

Block scoped variables: A block scoped variable means that the variable defined within a block will not be accessible from outside the block. A block can reside inside a function, and a block scoped variable will not be available outside the block even if the block is inside a function.

Should I use let or VAR in for loop?

You can see the same behavior while using let if you've already declared the variable before using it in your for loop. Now it would behave the same way as the var for loop did. var is function scoped (in layman terms globally scoped) i.e. value declared using var is available throughout the program.

What is the difference between VAR and let in for loop?

The main difference is the scope difference, while let can be only available inside the scope it's declared, like in for loop, var can be accessed outside the loop for example.

3 Answers

Is this just syntactic sugar for ES6?

No, it's more than syntactic sugar. The gory details are buried in § CreatePerIterationEnvironment.

How is this working?

If you use that let keyword in the for statement, it will check what names it does bind and then

  • create a new lexical environment with those names for a) the initialiser expression b) each iteration (previosly to evaluating the increment expression)
  • copy the values from all variables with those names from one to the next environment

Your loop statement for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i)); desugars to a simple

// omitting braces when they don't introduce a block
var i;
i = 0;
if (i < 10)
    process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i))
    if (i < 10)
        process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i))

while for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i)); does "desugar" to the much more complicated

// using braces to explicitly denote block scopes,
// using indentation for control flow
{ let i;
  i = 0;
  __status = {i};
{ let {i} = __status;
  if (i < 10)
      process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i))
      __status = {i};
}   { let {i} = __status;
      if (i < 10)
          process.nextTick(_ => console.log(i))
          __status = {i};
    }   { let {i} = __status;
like image 115
Bergi Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10


I found this explanation from Exploring ES6 book the best:

var-declaring a variable in the head of a for loop creates a single binding (storage space) for that variable:

const arr = [];
for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
    arr.push(() => i);
arr.map(x => x()); // [3,3,3]

Every i in the bodies of the three arrow functions refers to the same binding, which is why they all return the same value.

If you let-declare a variable, a new binding is created for each loop iteration:

const arr = [];
for (let i=0; i < 3; i++) {
    arr.push(() => i);

arr.map(x => x()); // [0,1,2]

This time, each i refers to the binding of one specific iteration and preserves the value that was current at that time. Therefore, each arrow function returns a different value.

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swapnil_mishra Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10


let introduces block scoping and equivalent binding, much like functions create a scope with closure. I believe the relevant section of the spec is 13.2.1, where the note mentions that let declarations are part of a LexicalBinding and both live within a Lexical Environment. Section 13.2.2 states that var declarations are attached to a VariableEnvironment, rather than a LexicalBinding.

The MDN explanation supports this as well, stating that:

It works by binding zero or more variables in the lexical scope of a single block of code

suggesting that the variables are bound to the block, which varies each iteration requiring a new LexicalBinding (I believe, not 100% on that point), rather than the surrounding Lexical Environment or VariableEnvironment which would be constant for the duration of the call.

In short, when using let, the closure is at the loop body and the variable is different each time, so it must be captured again. When using var, the variable is at the surrounding function, so there is no requirement to reclose and the same reference is passed to each iteration.

Adapting your example to run in the browser:

// prints '10' 10 times
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  setTimeout(_ => console.log('var', i), 0);

// prints '0' through '9'
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  setTimeout(_ => console.log('let', i), 0);

certainly shows the latter printing each value. If you look at how Babel transpiles this, it produces:

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  setTimeout(function(_) {
    return console.log(i);
  }, 0);

var _loop = function(_i) {
  setTimeout(function(_) {
    return console.log(_i);
  }, 0);

// prints '0' through '9'
for (var _i = 0; _i < 10; _i++) {

Assuming that Babel is fairly conformant, that matches up with my interpretation of the spec.

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ssube Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
