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expected , or ; before if




I made a stupid mistake (forgot semicolon, too much Python lately), but got an interesting error message from gcc: "expected ',' or ';' before 'if'".

I know those error messages provide just an "upper bound" for possible source code, but I'd like to know if there is any construct in C such that "if" token really comes after ',' and not after ';'.

like image 902
Veky Avatar asked Dec 04 '12 11:12


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It literally means what it's saying. You're missing an important parenthesis there, bud. Check your code before you hit the semicolon.

2 Answers

After isn't necessarily immediately after. The error message is more: 'I've just hit an 'if' construct. At this point I was expecting either an end to the (previous) statement, or the next item in the list. One of those things must be before this 'if', so I'm letting you know'

like image 198
mcalex Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10


I'd like to know if there is any construct in C such that "if" token really comes after ',' and not after ';'.

According to the C BNF grammar, an if is always at the beginning of a statement. So no, it can't be preceded by a ,.

like image 39
user703016 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
