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Exiting an ongoing Node.js server in linux




When I run my node server node server.js through SSH, the server starts and operates properly, however, I am left at the command prompt on a blank line, and no matter what I try to do, I can't "escape" out of that back to root /]#. Is it necessary for me to terminate the session completely and rerun a new SSH session to be able to operate on the prompt again?

I'm sure this is a completely basic problem with a completely basic solution, I just can't for the life of me seem to "escape" out of this back to the command line. It would seem unlikely that it would be necessary to completely exit out of PuTTy and start a new session just to terminate it..

like image 394
Derrick Tucker Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 04:09

Derrick Tucker

1 Answers

Going to post as an answer, have you tried pressing Ctrl + C or as Gabi mentioned, Ctrl + D, that usually exits most servers I start via the CLI.

like image 193
Nexerus Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
