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exit code 14 error in mongodb container, I'm using mongodb container with with volume path then received exit code 14 error

version: "3"
      image: mongo
      working_dir: /c/data/
       - 27017:27017
        replicas: 1
        - /c/data/:/data/db

I am tried that above stack file and I'm receiving exit code 14 error please give me the solution about the error,

like image 778
yasar khan Avatar asked Sep 22 '20 06:09

yasar khan

2 Answers

In your terminal:

docker system prune

Works for me. Kew Approves =)

like image 196
Airton Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


Delete everything from /c/data/, in case there are some data from older version of Mongo

like image 21
Ivan Nedelcev Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Ivan Nedelcev