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Execution failed for task mockableAndroidJar, mockable-android- . jar already exists

I am facing issue with Android Studio 3, gradle android plugin 3 with build target 27 and support lib 27.0.0

Error:Execution failed for task ':module:mockableAndroidJar'.
> Output file [[...]/build/generated/mockable-android-27.v3.jar] already exists.

I have to clean or manually delete all mockable-android jars from the generated folder time to time. So this means instead of getting better build times, I have to clean the project most of the times.

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Gaurav Vashisth Avatar asked Nov 01 '17 09:11

Gaurav Vashisth

3 Answers

Simply cleanup the existing jar before running the task again. Running cleandoes work, but it's a little intense in my opinion. Instead, make the android-generated task depend on a very specific cleanup task:

task cleanAndroidMock(type: Delete) {
    description = 'Deletes the mockable Android jar'

    delete fileTree("${project.buildDir}/generated") {
        include 'mockable-android*.jar'

project.afterEvaluate {
    tasks['mockableAndroidJar'].dependsOn cleanAndroidMock
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johnmartel Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11


I had this issue. Although, with API 28 platform tools. I deleted from the path and reinstalled, which worked for me.

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PRAISE ELISHA Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11


I have this issue as well as I'm using a modified android.jar (which has all the hidden API revealed). I don't use the unit testing and there's no apparent way to disable it in Android Studio 2.2.2, so I found a workaround for this problem:

Go to File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler Add to "Command-line Options": -x :app:prepareReleaseUnitTestDependencies -x :app:mockableAndroidJar -x :app:compileReleaseUnitTestSources Press "OK" and try to Rebuild Project again. Now the unit testing compilation tasks will always be skipped and no errors will be thrown.

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Nawrez Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11
