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Execute multiple queries in a single statement using postgres and node js

I need to execute insert and delete query in a single statement like this


This is my node.js code for executing query

pg.connect(pgConString, function (err, client, done) {
        if (err) {
            callBack("DB connection failed. " + err, null);
        var query = client.query({
            values: [1, "Poul1"],
            name: "insertQuery"
        query.on("error", function (err) {
            callBack("DB insertion failed. Error Message: " + err, null);

        query.on('end', function (result) {


I got error message like this

error: cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement

is it possible to execute multiple queries in postgresql database using node.js ?

like image 343
Abdul Manaf Avatar asked Feb 25 '16 10:02

Abdul Manaf

People also ask

How do I run multiple queries in PostgreSQL?

You can write multiple psql commands and SQL statements in one text file (say, named statements. sql ), and then use the command psql congress -af statements. sql to execute them all. Use “ ; ” to signal the end of each SQL statement in the file.

How do I run multiple SQL queries in node JS?

To run multiple statements in one query with node-mysql, we can call connection. query with all our SQL statements. connection. query('SELECT ?; SELECT ?

How do I run multiple SQL queries at once?

To run a query with multiple statements, ensure that each statement is separated by a semicolon; then set the DSQEC_RUN_MQ global variable to 1 and run the query. When the variable is set to zero, all statements after the first semicolon are ignored.

Can I use node js with PostgreSQL?

Essentially, node-postgres is a collection of Node. js modules for interfacing with a PostgreSQL database. Among the many features node-postgres supports include callbacks, promises, async/await, connection pooling, prepared statements, cursors, rich type parsing, and C/C++ bindings.

2 Answers

Although there is an accepted answer, it's a bit obsolete. For now node-postgres handles multiple queries in one call and returns a neat little array to you, like:

const db.query('select 1; select 2; select 3;')
results.map(r => (r.rows[0]['?column?']))
// [ 1, 2, 3 ]

There is also an alternative 'opinionated' library, called pg-promise, which also accepts query chains in one call and works with sql files as well.

like image 80
n3ko Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09


When using pg-promise...

First, we declare our queries + values via a flexible QueryFormat list:

const queries = [
    {query: 'select * from products where price > $1', values: [12.5]},
    {query: 'select * from payments where amount < ${amount}', values: {amount}}

Then we create a single-query formatted string:

const sql = pgp.helpers.concat(queries);

And then we execute it, and retrieve the result:

const [products, payments] = await db.multi(sql);

See: concat, multi.

like image 33
vitaly-t Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
