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Execute command on saving a file in Intellij IDEA [closed]

I'd like to run a script when a file gets saved. (It's an automatic git commit in the vein of git-wip). It's related to Save actions in IntelliJ IDEA, but it mostly attracted answers about code reformatting. It was also asked 3 years ago. The only snippet I found was http://arhipov.blogspot.hu/2011/04/code-snippet-intercepting-on-save.html. So I wonder if things have changed and now it's easy to add a save-hook.

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Adam Schmideg Avatar asked Jan 01 '14 12:01

Adam Schmideg

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1 Answers

I think you have at least two options:

  1. Use the File Watchers plugin from JetBrains:

    • Plugin: http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin?pr=idea&pluginId=7177
    • Doc: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/using-file-watchers.html

    NB: Doesn't work on IntelliJ Idea 11.

  2. Use a similar program outside of IntelliJ. I'm using fswatch (works on Unix-based OSes, including OSX) installed via MacPorts (port install fswatch):


like image 72
jonathanpdx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
