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execute a function after redirecting - javascript

Okay, i have a simple button on my page (MyPage) which fades out the current div (fade 1) and fade in another one (fade 2). I have now realised that there might be chances that i would want to go to that page (fade 2) from somewhere else directly. I am able to redirect my page by window.location. However i also want that if that link was pressed (from some other random page), go to page (fade 1) and then fadeOutthe current div and fadeIn another one (fade 2).

Hope this isn't too confusing. This is the code i am using to get to the page (MyPage):

    window.location = 'production/produc_order.php';
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Namit Avatar asked Mar 01 '12 21:03


3 Answers

you can do it with sessionStorage()

  sessionStorage.setItem("reloading", "true");
  window.location = 'production/produc_order.php';
var reloading = sessionStorage.getItem("reloading");
if(reloading == true) {
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Molham Al Nasr Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 12:11

Molham Al Nasr

Changing the window.location will kill all scripts currently running in the browser.

Your only other solution is getting a page via AJAX and run a callback function to execute when the content is loaded. Here is something to get you started.

Also, jQuery as a nice .ajax() method to easily perform AJAX requests and associate callbacks to successful and failed requests.

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Rémi Breton Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11

Rémi Breton

If you don't want to or can't re-code your page to support AJAX, the other old-school option is to pass a parameter in the URL as a hint to the refreshed page. (You can hide it by making the redirect a POST if you feel it's really necessary, or use a cookie technique. The point is that the refreshed page needs a token of some form from the prior page.)


    window.location = 'production/produc_order.php?create=1';

and put the fade code inside the $(document).ready() function, with a check for the create parameter, cookie or whatever.

I'll agree with @remibreton though, using AJAX is the more hip, modern method.

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RET Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11