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Exclude file from search but not from the project list in WebStorm



I've succeeded to exclude bower components and node modules from my search results by choosing the folder -> mark directory as -> excluded, but I couldn't do the the same for my concat file (a file with all code of the js files of my project).

How can I exclude this file from my search results?

like image 629
zoomZoom Avatar asked Jun 10 '15 08:06


People also ask

What is exclude file?

If the project is a Web Site, Visual Studio excludes a file from the project by adding an extension ". exclude" to mark it as excluded. So all files will the extension ". exclude" will not be used in the project. ".

How do I search an entire project in WebStorm?

From the main menu, select Navigate | Search Everywhere or press Shift twice to open the search window with the All, Classes, Files, Symbols, and Actions tabs. By default, the All tab opens and WebStorm displays the list of recent files.

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Add a folder to the list of excluded paths in the Remote Host tool window From the main menu, choose Tools | Deployment | Browse Remote Host or View | Tool Windows | Remote Host. In the Remote Host tool window that opens, select the relevant server configuration from the list.

1 Answers

You can exclude files and folders by name pattern. Just follow the steps here https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/excluding-files-from-project.html#exclude-by-pattern

like image 180
mgalic Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
