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Exclude div from Angular digest



I have a div with a chart that's generated outside of Angular. The div is inside an ng-repeat though, and when the scope is updated, the chart is cleared. Is there a way to prevent the div with the chart from being redrawn?

Here's my HTML:

<div ng-repeat="object in objects">
    <span>{{ object.title }}</span>
    <div class="chart"></div> <!-- This is being cleared when object changes -->

I looked into using bindonce, but my data changes, so I can't (?) use that.

To be clear, all I'm changing is an attribute like object.title. I don't expect the chart to stick around if the entire array of objects was replaced.


Wrote a JSBin with the problem here: http://jsbin.com/jijalugu/1/edit?html,js,output

Looks like it's a filter that's causing the problem. I'm using the filter to split the objects into partitions (from this answer). Not sure why, it works correctly without the filter.

like image 252
nathancahill Avatar asked Mar 13 '14 23:03


1 Answers

You can use a tracking expression:

<div ng-repeat="rows in items | partition:2  track by $index" class="row">
  <div ng-repeat="item in rows">
    <b>{{ item.title }}</b>
    <div id="chart-{{item.title}}" class="chart"></div>

Ben Nadel has an excellent blog post explaining tracking expressions and their benefits:

This feature allows you to associate a JavaScript object with an ngRepeat DOM (Document Object Model) node using a unique identifier. With this association in place, AngularJS will not $destroy and re-create DOM nodes unnecessarily. This can have a huge performance and user experience benefit.

like image 194
j.wittwer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
