I need an update command with parameters, and for some reasons I can't use stored procedures, actually we generate update command depend on database, table and columns, the following forms are we use:
string conStr = "Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=.\\sql2008;DataBase=MyDataBase;Trusted_Connection=true;";
DbProviderFactory dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.OleDb");
DbConnection dbConnection = dbFactory.CreateConnection();
dbConnection.ConnectionString = conStr;
DbCommand dbCommand = dbFactory.CreateCommand();
dbCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE [Student] SET Name = @Name Where Id = @Id";
DbParameter param1 = dbCommand.CreateParameter();
param1.ParameterName = "@Name";
param1.Value = "LOL";
DbParameter param2 = dbCommand.CreateParameter();
param2.ParameterName = "@Id";
param2.Value = 5;
But there is an exception:
Must declare the scalar variable "@Name"
Where is the problem in this code? Does anyone have an idea about this?
As you are using System.Data.OleDb
as database provider ( regardless you are using a sql server ) you need to use the ?
as the parameter placeholder like:
"UPDATE [Student] SET Name = ? Where Id = ?";
By using the System.Data.OleDb
provider the names of the parameters doesn`t matter anymore but you need to ensure that the occurance of the parameters match the order the parameterobjects are added to the command objects parameter collection.
If you want to keep the @
as parameter placeholder you can just change this:
DbProviderFactory dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.OleDb");
DbProviderFactory dbFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient");
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