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exception handling with generators

So recently generators kicked in in NodeJS and I'm able to do something like:

Promise.coroutine(function *(query){
    var handle = yield db.connect(Settings.connectionString); //async, returns promise
    var result = yield db.query(query); // async, returns promise
    return result;

Now generators are awesome in that they let me do async/await in JS. I really like being able to do that.

However, one issue arises. Generators work with try/catch blocks, so let's say I have code that looks like this:

Promise.coroutine(function *(){
        var db = yield DBEngine.open("northwind"); // returns promise
        var result = yield db.query("SELECT name FROM users"); // returns promise
        return res;
    } catch (e){
        //code to handle exception in DB query

(note,Promise.coroutine is from bluebird)

Notice the bug? There is a reference error, however - the catch will swallow it.

When I put try/catch in 95% of cases what I want to catch is logical errors and I/O errors and not syntax or type errors. I want to be very very aware of those. Callbacks use an err first parameter and in generators I'm not sure of what the substitute is.

How do I deal with exception handling in generator code in JavaScript?

A good solution would allow me to keep stack traces.

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Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar asked Nov 08 '13 12:11

Benjamin Gruenbaum

2 Answers

So basically this is not related to asynchronous system but rather to a particular error handling. Try something like this:

var global_error_check = function(e) {
    if (e && e.name === "ReferenceError") {
        throw e;
    // put other error types here that you don't want to catch

try {
} catch(e) {
    // handle other errors here
like image 161
freakish Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09


According to the most-recent ES6 draft on generators, you can call the generator's "throw" function to resume the generator with a thrown error.

For instance:

function procrastinatingAdd(x, y) {
  var errMsg = "Expected number and got ";
  setTimeout(function() {
    if (isNaN(x)) gen.throw(new TypeError(errMsg + typeof x));
    if (isNaN(y)) gen.throw(new TypeError(errMsg + typeof y));
    gen.next(x + y);
  }, 500);

var gen = function* () {
  try {
    var result = yield procrastinatingAdd(1, "foo");
  catch (e) {

gen = gen();

Presumably whatever library you were using to manage flow control within your generator (I haven't looked into Promises, but libs like genny and gen-run) should handle this for you such that the libraries you're consuming don't need to be generator-aware.

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Erin Swenson-Healey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Erin Swenson-Healey