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Excel VBA - select a dynamic cell range





I want to be able to dynamically select a range of cells (the heading row), where the row is 1 but the columns with be for 1 to last column, where "A" is the first Column and where "M" is the last column. I know how to find the last column, but I don't know how to modified the below range to input the first and last column as "A" and "M".

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HL8 Avatar asked Aug 22 '12 00:08


3 Answers

If you want to select a variable range containing all headers cells:

Dim sht as WorkSheet
Set sht = This Workbook.Sheets("Data")

'Range(Cells(1,1),Cells(1,Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Select '<<< NOT ROBUST


...as long as there's no other content on that row.

EDIT: updated to stress that when using Range(Cells(...), Cells(...)) it's good practice to qualify both Range and Cells with a worksheet reference.

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Tim Williams Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Tim Williams

sub selectVar ()
    dim x,y as integer
    let srange = "A" & x & ":" & "m" & y
end sub

I think this is the simplest way.

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akbar moradi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

akbar moradi

So it depends on how you want to pick the incrementer, but this should work:

Range("A1:" & Cells(1, i).Address).Select

Where i is the variable that represents the column you want to select (1=A, 2=B, etc.). Do you want to do this by column letter instead? We can adjust if so :)

If you want the beginning to be dynamic as well, you can try this:

Sub SelectCols()

    Dim Col1 As Integer
    Dim Col2 As Integer

    Col1 = 2
    Col2 = 4

    Range(Cells(1, Col1), Cells(1, Col2)).Select

End Sub
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RocketDonkey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
