Please kindly help: how do I turn on the line numbers in Excel VBA code editor? I am using Excel 2013 version.
Thank you.
In the VBA editor, while not running a code, and not being in "break"-mode:click tools>references>mark: `Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3"
AutoMacro: Show VBA Line Numbers VBA Coding Tools and Utilities VBA Line Numbers The VBA Editor (VBE) displays the line and column number of your cursor position in the Standard Toolbar: Unfortunately, the VBA Editor does not have a built-in option to display all line numbers like you find in...
Here is my code to add line numbers in the VBE IDE. It is an improvement of the solution provided here by Excel MVP mikerickson. I have worked on this, because in some rare cases I have already met, VBE can't enter in debug mode, for example when you have a .ReplaceLine method in your code. Indeed, you can't enter in debug mode once it has been executed, so Erl might be usefully for debug (instead of Debug.Print). I have added several feature such as:
- possibility to either add line numbers as labels:
10: Dim foo as bar
or as single numbers seperated from code by a tab:10 Dim foo as bar
- possibility to add line numbers to End of procedures statements, and to match the indent of the procedure declaration lines to its End statement line once numberered. Or not.
- possibility of add line numbers to empty lines or not
- [WIP] possibility to add line numbers to a specific procedure in a module
- [WIP] match all indentations of code lines with line numbers to match the indent of the last line indented. If last line is
200: End Sub
, the line30: With ActiveSheet
will be re-indented as30: ActiveSheet
- [WIP] add of a VBE IDE command to directly make the calls with the current module/proc as a parameter
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes
vbLabelColon ' 0
vbLabelTab ' 1
End Enum
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo
vbScopeAllProc ' 1
vbScopeThisProc ' 2
End Enum
Sub AddLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines As Boolean, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc As Boolean, _
ByVal Scope As vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo, _
Optional ByVal thisProcName As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim lengthOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
Dim strLine As String
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
.CodePane.Window.Visible = False
If Scope = vbScopeAllProc Then
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) ' Type d'argument ByRef incompatible ~~> Requires VBIDE library as a Reference for the VBA Project
If procName <> vbNullString Then
startOfProcedure = .ProcStartLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
countOfProcedure = .ProcCountLines(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
prelinesOfProcedure = bodyOfProcedure - startOfProcedure
'postlineOfProcedure = ??? not directly available since endOfProcedure is itself not directly available.
lengthOfProcedure = countOfProcedure - prelinesOfProcedure ' includes postlinesOfProcedure !
'endOfProcedure = ??? not directly available, each line of the proc must be tested until the End statement is reached. See below.
If endOfProcedure <> 0 And startOfProcedure < endOfProcedure And i > endOfProcedure Then
GoTo NextLine
End If
If i = bodyOfProcedure Then InProcBodyLines = True
If bodyOfProcedure < i And i < startOfProcedure + countOfProcedure Then
If Not (.Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _") Then
InProcBodyLines = False
PreviousIndentAdded = 0
If Trim(strLine) = "" And Not AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines Then GoTo NextLine
If IsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, i) Then
endOfProcedure = i
If AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc Then
Call IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, LabelType, endOfProcedure)
GoTo NextLine
End If
End If
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelColon)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & ":" & strLine
new_strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
If Len(new_strLine) = Len(CStr(i) & ":" & temp_strLine) Then
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ":")
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ": ")
End If
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelTab) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelTab)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & vbTab & strLine
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(strLine) - Len(temp_strLine)
End If
End If
If Not InProcBodyLines Then
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(PreviousIndentAdded) & strLine
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(4) & strLine
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
ElseIf AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines And Scope = vbScopeThisProc Then
End If
.CodePane.Window.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
Function IsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal Line As Long) As Boolean
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
If Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Sub*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Function*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Property*" _
Then IsProcEndLine = True
End With
End Function
Sub IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, ByVal ProcEndLine As Long)
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
procName = .ProcOfLine(ProcEndLine, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
endOfProcedure = ProcEndLine
strEnd = .Lines(endOfProcedure, 1)
j = bodyOfProcedure
Do Until Not .Lines(j - 1, 1) Like "* _" And j <> bodyOfProcedure
strLine = .Lines(j, 1)
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If Mid(strEnd, Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1 + 1 + 1, 1) = " " Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1) & strLine
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 2) & strLine
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If endOfProcedure < 1000 Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(4) & strLine
Debug.Print "This tool is limited to 999 lines of code to work properly."
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
Dim i As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
If procName <> vbNullString Then
If i = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc) Then InProcBodyLines = True
LenghtBefore = Len(.Lines(i, 1))
If Not .Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _" Then
InProcBodyLines = False
.ReplaceLine i, RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType)
If IsInProcBodyLines Then
' do nothing
.ReplaceLine i, Mid(.Lines(i, 1), RemovedChars_previous_i + 1)
End If
End If
LenghtAfter = Len(.Lines(i, 1))
LengthBefore_previous_i = LenghtBefore
LenghtAfter_previous_i = LenghtAfter
RemovedChars_previous_i = LengthBefore_previous_i - LenghtAfter_previous_i
If Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Sub*" Or Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Function" Or Trim(.Lines(i, 1)) Like "End Property" Then
LenOfRemovedLeadingCharacters = LenghtBefore - LenghtAfter
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
j = bodyOfProcedure
strLineBodyOfProc = .Lines(bodyOfProcedure, 1)
Do Until Not strLineBodyOfProc Like "* _"
j = j + 1
strLineBodyOfProc = .Lines(j, 1)
LastLineBodyOfProc = j
strLastLineBodyOfProc = strLineBodyOfProc
strLineEndOfProc = .Lines(i, 1)
For k = bodyOfProcedure To j
.ReplaceLine k, Mid(.Lines(k, 1), 1 + LenOfRemovedLeadingCharacters)
Next k
i = i + (j - bodyOfProcedure)
GoTo NextLine
End If
' GoTo NextLine
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Function RemoveOneLineNumber(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
RemoveOneLineNumber = aString
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If aString Like "#:*" Or aString Like "##:*" Or aString Like "###:*" Then
RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 1 + InStr(1, aString, ":", vbTextCompare))
If Left(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2) Like " [! ]*" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2)
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If aString Like "# *" Or aString Like "## *" Or aString Like "### *" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 5)
If aString Like "#" Or aString Like "##" Or aString Like "###" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = ""
End If
End Function
Function HasLabel(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes) As Boolean
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then HasLabel = InStr(1, aString & ":", ":") < InStr(1, aString & " ", " ")
If LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
HasLabel = Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "# " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "## " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "### "
End If
End Function
Function RemoveLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
Do Until Left(aString, 1) <> " "
aString = Mid(aString, 2)
RemoveLeadingSpaces = aString
End Function
Function WhatIsLineIndent(ByVal aString As String) As String
i = 1
Do Until Mid(aString, i, 1) <> " "
i = i + 1
WhatIsLineIndent = i
End Function
Function HowManyLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
HowManyLeadingSpaces = WhatIsLineIndent(aString) - 1
End Function
You can make calls like this :
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
End Sub
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelTab, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelColon
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="EvaluateCall.xlsm", vbCompName:="ModLineNumbers_testDest", LabelType:=vbLabelTab
End Sub
And as a reminder, here as some compile rules about about line numbers:
Short answer for excel 2016, have not tried it in 2013 yet.
Do Once:
in this answer in your workbook.Module3
in this answer, in your workbook.Module4
in this answer, in your workbook.Global allow_for_line_addition As String
this is just so that you can automatically add linenumbers` above/in the first line of every
module.end sub
,end function
or End Property
of a module).Do every time you have modified your code:
to remove line numbers to all the modules in your workbook.Module4
to add line numbers to all the modules in your workbook. (*because sometimes you get an error if you cut lines out or move them around (e.g. put line 2440:
above line 2303:
). By removing and re-adding them, the line numbering is automatically correct again)
Long answer (including learning steps and attempts) - to me it was not straightforward to implement hymced`s answer, so I documented the steps necessary to add line numbers to a module in the VBA code editor (*and remove them again). I followed the following steps to get it working.
, and the second code given by hymced into temporary Module3
.Then modified the first line of the 2nd code in temporary Module3
AddLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
I got an error at line:
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) ` Type d`argument ByRef incompatible ~~> Requires VBIDE library as a Reference for the VBA Project
So I read I had to enable the VBIDE library.
So I stopped the code, clicked tools>references, and could not find the VBIDE library.
On this forum I found the VBIDE is enabled by adding a reference to the VBA extensibility library:
Click on Tools-References in the VBE, and scroll down and tick the entry for Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3.
So after doing that the first error disapeared and it did not highlight any line but gave the it gave the error "Invalid procedure call or argument".
Since I am still not sure about the vbCompName, I thought it might need to know the sub in stead of the module so I tried to modify the 2nd code in temporary Module3
AddLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="learn", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
That highlighted the line:
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
saying: subscript out of range
. (So I also tried: Module1.learn
and Module1:learn
, yielding the subscript out of range
As it turns out,
AddLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbScopeAllProc
is the right way to call the replacing sub if the sub you want to provide with line numbers is located in a module named Module1
. The first error describes occurs, but it does add the line numbers to the code (except for first line containing sub ...
and the last line containing end sub
.Tested in Module1
named sub learn()
of the excel 2016 workbook named Book1.xlsm
. For completeness learn
consists of:
Sub learn()
Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + 1
End Sub
However, on the way back, removing the line numbers, it yielded an error because it asks .lines(0,1) of procName
in Sub AddLineNumbers...
So I modified it to exclude the .lines(0,1) by putting the changed code below into final Module2
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes
vbLabelColon ' 0
vbLabelTab ' 1
End Enum
Public Enum vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo
vbScopeAllProc ' 1
vbScopeThisProc ' 2
End Enum
Sub AddLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines As Boolean, _
ByVal AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc As Boolean, _
ByVal Scope As vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo, _
Optional ByVal thisProcName As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim lengthOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
Dim strLine As String
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
.CodePane.Window.Visible = False
If Scope = vbScopeAllProc Then
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines - 1
strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) ' Type d'argument ByRef incompatible ~~> Requires VBIDE library as a Reference for the VBA Project
If procName <> vbNullString Then
startOfProcedure = .ProcStartLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
countOfProcedure = .ProcCountLines(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
prelinesOfProcedure = bodyOfProcedure - startOfProcedure
'postlineOfProcedure = ??? not directly available since endOfProcedure is itself not directly available.
lengthOfProcedure = countOfProcedure - prelinesOfProcedure ' includes postlinesOfProcedure !
'endOfProcedure = ??? not directly available, each line of the proc must be tested until the End statement is reached. See below.
If endOfProcedure <> 0 And startOfProcedure < endOfProcedure And i > endOfProcedure Then
GoTo NextLine
End If
If i = bodyOfProcedure Then inprocbodylines = True
If bodyOfProcedure < i And i < startOfProcedure + countOfProcedure Then
If Not (.Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _") Then
inprocbodylines = False
PreviousIndentAdded = 0
If Trim(strLine) = "" And Not AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines Then GoTo NextLine
If IsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, i) Then
endOfProcedure = i
If AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc Then
Call IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, LabelType, endOfProcedure)
GoTo NextLine
End If
End If
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelColon)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & ":" & strLine
new_strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
If Len(new_strLine) = Len(CStr(i) & ":" & temp_strLine) Then
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ":")
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ": ")
End If
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelTab) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelTab)
If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
temp_strLine = strLine
.ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & vbTab & strLine
PreviousIndentAdded = Len(strLine) - Len(temp_strLine)
End If
End If
If Not inprocbodylines Then
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(PreviousIndentAdded) & strLine
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
.ReplaceLine i, Space(4) & strLine
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next i
ElseIf AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines And Scope = vbScopeThisProc Then
End If
.CodePane.Window.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
Function IsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, _
ByVal vbCompName As String, _
ByVal Line As Long) As Boolean
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
If Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Sub*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Function*" _
Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Property*" _
Then IsProcEndLine = True
End With
End Function
Sub IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, ByVal ProcEndLine As Long)
Dim procName As String
Dim startOfProcedure As Long
Dim endOfProcedure As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
procName = .ProcOfLine(ProcEndLine, vbext_pk_Proc)
bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
endOfProcedure = ProcEndLine
strEnd = .Lines(endOfProcedure, 1)
j = bodyOfProcedure
Do Until Not .Lines(j - 1, 1) Like "* _" And j <> bodyOfProcedure
strLine = .Lines(j, 1)
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If Mid(strEnd, Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1 + 1 + 1, 1) = " " Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1) & strLine
.ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 2) & strLine
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If endOfProcedure < 1000 Then
.ReplaceLine j, Space(4) & strLine
Debug.Print "This tool is limited to 999 lines of code to work properly."
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
Dim i As Long
With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
'MsgBox ("nr of lines = " & .CountOfLines & vbNewLine & "Procname = " & procName)
'MsgBox ("nr of lines REMEMBER MUST BE LARGER THAN 7! = " & .CountOfLines)
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
If procName <> vbNullString Then
If i > 1 Then
'MsgBox ("Line " & i & " is a body line " & .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc))
If i = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc) Then inprocbodylines = True
If .Lines(i - 1, 1) <> "" Then
'MsgBox (.Lines(i - 1, 1))
End If
If Not .Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _" Then
'MsgBox (inprocbodylines)
inprocbodylines = False
'MsgBox ("recoginized a line that should be substituted: " & i)
'MsgBox ("about to replace " & .Lines(i, 1) & vbNewLine & " with: " & RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType) & vbNewLine & " with label type: " & LabelType)
.ReplaceLine i, RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType)
If IsInProcBodyLines Then
' do nothing
'MsgBox (i)
.ReplaceLine i, Mid(.Lines(i, 1), RemovedChars_previous_i + 1)
End If
End If
End If
' GoTo NextLine
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Function RemoveOneLineNumber(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
RemoveOneLineNumber = aString
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
If aString Like "#:*" Or aString Like "##:*" Or aString Like "###:*" Or aString Like "####:*" Then
RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 1 + InStr(1, aString, ":", vbTextCompare))
If Left(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2) Like " [! ]*" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2)
End If
ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
If aString Like "# *" Or aString Like "## *" Or aString Like "### *" Or aString Like "#### *" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 5)
If aString Like "#" Or aString Like "##" Or aString Like "###" Or aString Like "####" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = ""
End If
End Function
Function HasLabel(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes) As Boolean
If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then HasLabel = InStr(1, aString & ":", ":") < InStr(1, aString & " ", " ")
If LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
HasLabel = Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "# " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "## " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "### " Or Mid(aString, 1, 5) Like "#### "
End If
End Function
Function RemoveLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
Do Until Left(aString, 1) <> " "
aString = Mid(aString, 2)
RemoveLeadingSpaces = aString
End Function
Function WhatIsLineIndent(ByVal aString As String) As String
i = 1
Do Until Mid(aString, i, 1) <> " "
i = i + 1
WhatIsLineIndent = i
End Function
Function HowManyLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
HowManyLeadingSpaces = WhatIsLineIndent(aString) - 1
End Function
With calling the replacement on sub learn()
with the code below, pasted in temporary module3
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelColon, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbscopeallproc
End Sub
Sub AddLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
AddLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelTab, AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines:=True, AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc:=True, Scope:=vbscopeallproc
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelColon()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelColon
End Sub
Sub RemoveLineNumbers_vbLabelTab()
RemoveLineNumbers wbName:="Book1.xlsm", vbCompName:="Module1", LabelType:=vbLabelTab
End Sub
Now it worked (both adding and removing line numbers, with all 4 methods of calling the adding/removal of line numbers pasted in temporary module2
for a single sub in a module (module1
in the example case). So I tried to put 2 subs behind eachother in the same module. In that case, the code did not change the add line numbers to the 2nd sub.
So I added the following line above Module1
Global allow_for_line_addition As String
Making Module1
look like:
Global allow_for_line_addition As String
Sub learn()
Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + 1
End Sub
Sub learn2()
Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + 1
End Sub
Now it added the line numbers to the entire module, but it did not remove the line numbers from the entire module, so I edited the removal code of hymceds answer as well and already put it in the long code of **final**
Note: If you have empty white lines after the end of a sub or function, it will keep on adding white lines every time you run the script to add the line numbers (which after the first run, simply updates the line numbers). These empty line numbers cause an error when executing the code, so you should remove them once. If there are no empty lines at the end of a sub, this code will also not add new ones.
To add line numbers to all of your modules in your workbook, keep the long code in final Module2
as I modified it and replace the code of temporary Module3
with final Module3
Global allow_for_line_addition As String 'this is just so that you can automatically add linenumbers
Sub remove_line_numbering_all_modules()
'This code numbers all the modules in your .xlsm
Dim vbcomp As VBComponent
Dim modules As Collection
Set modules = New Collection
For Each vbcomp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
'if normal or class module
If ((vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule) Or (vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule)) Then
RemoveLineNumbers,, LabelType:=vbLabelColon
'Call RemoveLineNumbers(,
End If
Next vbcomp
End Sub
And add the following code to final Module4
Global allow_for_line_addition As String 'this is just so that you can automatically add linenumbers
'This sub adds line numbers to all the modules after you have added the following line to every module
'add tools references microsoft visual basic for applications (5.3) as checked
'Source httpsstackoverflow.comquestions40731182excel-vba-how-to-turn-on-line-numbers-in-code-editor50368332#50368332
Sub add_line_numbering_all_modules()
'This code numbers all the modules in your .xlsm
Dim vbcomp As VBComponent
Dim modules As Collection
Set modules = New Collection
For Each vbcomp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
'if normal or class module
If ((vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule) Or (vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule)) Then
Call AddLineNumbers(,, vbLabelColon, True, True, vbScopeAllProc)
'Call AddLineNumbers(,
End If
Next vbcomp
End Sub
where you can either substitute "Book1.xlsm"
with the name of your own workbook, or with thisworkbook
(notice no ""), or vice versa.
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