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Excel VBA CommandBar.OnAction with params is difficult / does not perform as expected





So, I have Googled about and it seems that while making custom Pop up menus, if one wants to pass parameters then this is possible but for me comes with 2 major problems:

1) The function you call will execute, but you will not be able to activate a breakpoint on it, or even use Stop.

2) Oddly it seems to get called twice, which isn't very helpful either.

Code to illustrate ( please put in a module and not in a sheet )

Option Explicit

Sub AssignIt()

    Dim cbrCmdBar As CommandBar
    Dim strCBarName As String

    On Error Resume Next

    strCBarName = "MyNewPopupMenu"

    'Delete it first so multiple runs can occur without appending

    ' Create a menu bar.
    Set cbrCmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:=strCBarName, Position:=msoBarMenuBar)

    ' Create a pop-up menu.
    strCBarName = "MyNewPopupMenu"
    Set cbrCmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:=strCBarName, Position:=msoBarPopup)

    With Application.CommandBars(strCBarName).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
    .Caption = "MyMenu"
    .OnAction = BuildProcArgString("MyProc", "A", "B", "C") 'You can add any number of arguments here!
    End With

    With Application.CommandBars(strCBarName).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        .Caption = "Test No Args"
        .OnAction = "CallWithNoArgs"
    End With


End Sub

Sub CallWithNoArgs()

    MsgBox "No Args"

End Sub

'FUNCTION TO BUILD PROCEDURE ARGUMENTS (You just have to plop this in any of your modules)
Function BuildProcArgString(ByVal ProcName As String, ParamArray Args() As Variant)

    Dim TempArg
    Dim Temp

    For Each TempArg In Args
        Temp = Temp + Chr(34) + TempArg + Chr(34) + ","

    BuildProcArgString = ProcName + "(" + Left(Temp, Len(Temp) - 1) + ")"

End Function

Sub MyProc(x, y, z)

    MsgBox x & y & z
    Debug.Print "arrgggh why won't the breakpoint work, and why call twice!!!!!!"

End Sub

If someone could help with this, that would be great. It seems another developer in the past hit the wall and so for the 5 items we have Method_1 ... Method_5 with the number passed into Method_Core(ByVal i As Integer) style. I think I will take this route too although very ugly, it works better than what I have mocked up below.

PS. This is a quick mockup so I don't expose proprietary code etc

like image 213
FinancialRadDeveloper Avatar asked Apr 14 '11 15:04


1 Answers

You can use the .Parameter property. This is an example of a code in production (with only the lines of interest):

        Dim i As Integer
        Set cl = MainForm.Controls("classroomList")
        For i = 0 To cl.ListCount - 1
            With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                .Caption = cl.List(i)
                .faceId = 177
                .OnAction = "'" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!" & "assignClassroom"
                .Parameter = cl.List(i)
            End With
        Next i

And the procedure could be something like:

Public Sub assignClassroom(Optional someArg as SomeType)
' code here
CommandBars.ActionControl.Parameter 'The parameter here
' more code here
End Sub
like image 173
Sebastian Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11
