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Excel Export as html fails to show borders in Excel 2016

I am exporting html to an Excel xls file using JavaScript as in following demo: http://js.do/sun21170/84913. I have used Google Chrome to run this demo but it should run in Edge or IE or FireFox also.

The problem is that when I open the exported file in Excel 2016, it shows without any borders even though there is CSS in the exported html to show borders.

Question: Is there a way to show the borders when html file opens in Excel? The same html that opens in Excel, renders with borders in a browser, so the CSS for borders is correct. The demo at http://js.do/sun21170/84913 also shows the html being saved in Excel file.

Html Table with missing Borders

HTML saved as xls file

      <style> table, td {border:1px solid black} table {border-collapse:collapse}</style>
like image 633
Sunil Avatar asked Feb 28 '16 01:02


2 Answers

I had the same problem, the thing is that you have to use:

<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;"></table>

And that's it the boder property solves the problem.

like image 69
Jaime Cruz Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11

Jaime Cruz

I finally found the answer after a lot of research. It seems that Excel 2016 does not like a border thickness of 1px; anything greater than 1px like 2px or 3px or 4px works. Why Excel 2016 behaves like this is unclear to me.

A demo showing this is at following URL: http://js.do/sun21170/84961

Also, if the border thickness is specified in any other units like em or pt or mm, then a thickness of 1em or 1mm or 1pt or 1mm or .5mm will work.

Even border thickness using pre-defined values like thin or medium or thick works in Excel 2016.

So, the lesson I have learnt is to never specify border thickness of 1 px when using Excel.

Following CSS are different styles that worked in Excel 2016 to create a border.

Border thickness greater than 1px WORKS

var table = "<html><head><style> table, td {border:2px solid black}
            table {border-collapse:collapse}</style></head><body><table><tr>";

Border thickness of 1pt WORKS

var table = "<html><head><style> table, td {border:1pt solid black}
            table {border-collapse:collapse}</style></head><body><table><tr>";

Border thickness of 1mm WORKS

var table = "<html><head><style> table, td {border:1mm solid black}
            table {border-collapse:collapse}</style></head><body><table><tr>";

Border thickness of 1em WORKS

var table = "<html><head><style> table, td {border:1em solid black}
            table {border-collapse:collapse}</style></head><body><table><tr>";

Border thickness of thin WORKS

var table = "<html><head><style> table, td {border:thin solid black}
            table {border-collapse:collapse}</style></head><body><table><tr>";
like image 8
Sunil Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11
