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excel duplicate values pairs in multiple column

Is there a way to find duplicate pairs in multiple columns in Excel?

For instance,

column1       column2  

Smith         Jones       <-- duplicate pair  
Smith         Johnson  
Jones         Smith       <-- duplicate pair  
Jones         Walter  
like image 959
jrl05k Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 19:03


1 Answers

The way I would do it would be as follows: (Assuming your data begins in cell A1 & B1)

  • In C1, put in the formula: =A1&"|"&B1
  • In D1, put in the formula: =B1&"|"&A1
  • In E1, put in the formula: =MATCH(C1,$D$1:$D$500,0)
  • Drag all these down for your dataset (and change the $500 in your final formula if necessary)
  • Any place where column E has a number, it means the data is duplicated - You could even filter for anything that isn't #N/A and it tells you where in the list the duplicate match is.

Hope this helps!!

like image 193
John Bustos Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 22:04

John Bustos