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Excel: Can using external links improve performance?

I'm wondering if there is a performance gain when using external links vs. opening a spreadsheet and copying cells (using VBA).

I would imagine that Excel has to open the file just the same, but when I test using the following code, external linking comes out faster:

Dim t As Double
Dim rng As Range

For Each rng In shtId.Range("A1:A5")
    t = Now
    ThisWorkbook.Names("rngID").RefersToRange = rng
    ThisWorkbook.UpdateLink "H:\manualData.xlsx", xlExcelLinks
    Debug.Print "link: " & Format(Now - t, "######.0000000")

    t = Now
    Workbooks.Open "H:\manualData.xlsx", readonly:=True
    ActiveWorkbook.Close False
    Debug.Print "open: " & Format(Now - t, "######.0000000")


link: .0000116
open: .0000231
link: .0000116
open: .0000347
link: .0000000
open: .0000347
link: .0000000
open: .0000347
link: .0000000
open: .0000347

The workbook has a range of cells with lookup formulas keyed on an ID field. These formulas have external links. To test it, I change the ID and force an update. To test the file open approach, I just open and close the source file.

I'm looking to speed up a process that's having an issue due to low bandwidth over the network. I've already explored various options and would just like to understand if this is a valid one. I searched on this topic and some people say external links could cause performance issues while some say otherwise. I'd like to get a better idea of the mechanism behind external links so that I can understand what to expect when implemented.

Any thoughts?

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Dave Thornton Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 22:04

Dave Thornton

People also ask

What affects Excel performance?

The number of records (rows), fields (columns), and formulas can slow down performance considerably. Every time you add new records, then press the Enter key—or use features such as Sort, Format cells, or Insert/Delete Columns or Rows—Excel recalculates all those formulas.

What are external links in Excel?

External links are also known as the external references in Excel. When we use any formula in Excel and refer to any other workbook apart from the workbook with the formula, the new workbook is the external link to the formula. When we give a link or apply a formula from another workbook, it is called an external link.

1 Answers

It's a lot more work, but reading / writing the data from / to an XML file (using MSXML) would solve the performance issue. It's a route I've been forced to adopt under certain circumstances where bandwidth has been low.

The speed at which VBA can retrieve the data and run calculations is a lot quicker than using multiple links. Depending on the circumstances; you could do this on a Workbook Open Event, or even a specific Change Event (ComboBox etc.) since you're only working with kB of data.

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Jiminy Cricket Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Jiminy Cricket