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Example of reading CSV file with current apache commons csv library





Can someone please provide me with an example of reading a CSV file with the Apache commons CSVParser class? I see countless examples that use the outdated (I think) API that has been impossible to find.

Everywhere I look, I see this:

File csvData = new File("/path/to/csv");
CSVParser parser = CSVParser.parse(csvData, CSVFormat.RFC4180);
for (CSVRecord csvRecord : parser) {

But nowhere can I find a jar file that has a CSVParser.parse() method that takes those parameters. The one that takes a File object, also takes a Charset parameter after it. All over the place I see the API describe that literally doesn't seem to exist. I'm guessing it was a pre-1.0 API that they removed once 1.0 was released. I've tried 1.0, 1.1. and 1.2 in my pom file dependency, but they all have the method with the Charset parameter.

like image 385
Brent212 Avatar asked Apr 21 '16 00:04


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csv . It's very easy to read such CSV files with Apache Commons CSV. You just need to add a single setting called withFirstRecordAsHeader() . Apache Commons CSV uses the first record as the header record and allows you to retrieve the values using the header names.

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1 Answers

I ended up just doing this:

CSVParser csvFileParser = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(new FileReader(new File("/path/to/csv")));

Still blows my mind that all articles and official apache documentation show examples using a method that doesn't appear to exist.

like image 160
Brent212 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10
