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Exact case insensitive match in spring-data mongo

I am using spring data with mongo, and a repository. Eg:

@Query("{ 'userName' : ?0 }")
public User findByUsername(String username);

I want to make this case insensitive. I have used the following queries:

"{'userName' : { $regex : ?0, $options: 'i' } }"

This works, but it not only matches testUser, but also estUser.

I also tried

"{'userName' : { $regex : ^?0$, $options: 'i' } }"

But this cannot parse the query, because it tries to insert quotes in the regex.

({ $regex : ^"testUser"$, $options: 'i' }

I get the same kind of problems if I try to use a /.../i regex.

Is there any solution for this, without having to use mongoTemplate, or constructing the regex myself?

like image 301
Jesse van Bekkum Avatar asked May 02 '14 08:05

Jesse van Bekkum

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2 Answers

I just tried the following and it worked for me.

 @Query(value = "{'name': {$regex : '^?0$', $options: 'i'}}")
    List<Item> findItemsByNameRegexExactMatch(String name);
like image 146
Sergey Benner Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Sergey Benner

^ for the start, $ for the end

Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation( match(Criteria.where("fieldName").regex("^"+searchText+"$","i")) );
like image 33
Sudhakar Reddy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Sudhakar Reddy