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EWS. How to get latest SyncState without initial synchronization?

Consider that I have 100,000 messages in a folder. I want to be able to synchronize with latest changes, but I don't need any old messages. Asking for initial synchronization with

SyncFolderItems(..., null /*syncState*/)? 

would bring back all 100,000 messages (that I don't need). How can I jump directly to the latest SyncState without reading 100,000 entities from server?

like image 696
alex2k8 Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 22:10


1 Answers

You can't work around that. You need to iterate through the collection once. After you have processed all existing entries, the syncstate should be much smaller than your 143kb.

like image 64
Henning Krause Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10

Henning Krause