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Event trigger on a class change



I'd like my event to be triggered when a div tag containing a trigger class is changed.

I have no idea how to make it listen to the class' adding event.

<div id="test">test</div>  <script type="text/javascript">     document.getElementById.setAttribute("class", "trigger");      function workOnClassAdd() {        alert("I'm triggered");     } </script> 
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Patrick Jeon Avatar asked May 16 '12 04:05

Patrick Jeon

People also ask

Can you add event listeners to classes?

To add an event listener to all elements with class: Use the document. querySelectorAll() method to select the elements by class. Use the forEach() method to iterate over the collection of elements.

How do you find the change in class?

To listen to class change we need to instantiate the MutationObserver object, pass the callback function, and call the observe() method. The observe() method accepts two arguments the target node and options object which should contain attributes property that is set to true.

1 Answers

The future is here, and you can use the MutationObserver interface to watch for a specific class change.

let targetNode = document.getElementById('test')  function workOnClassAdd() {     alert("I'm triggered when the class is added") }  function workOnClassRemoval() {     alert("I'm triggered when the class is removed") }  // watch for a specific class change let classWatcher = new ClassWatcher(targetNode, 'trigger', workOnClassAdd, workOnClassRemoval)  // tests: targetNode.classList.add('trigger') // triggers workOnClassAdd callback targetNode.classList.add('trigger') // won't trigger (class is already exist) targetNode.classList.add('another-class') // won't trigger (class is not watched) targetNode.classList.remove('trigger') // triggers workOnClassRemoval callback targetNode.classList.remove('trigger') // won't trigger (class was already removed) targetNode.setAttribute('disabled', true) // won't trigger (the class is unchanged) 

I wrapped MutationObserver with a simple class:

class ClassWatcher {      constructor(targetNode, classToWatch, classAddedCallback, classRemovedCallback) {         this.targetNode = targetNode         this.classToWatch = classToWatch         this.classAddedCallback = classAddedCallback         this.classRemovedCallback = classRemovedCallback         this.observer = null         this.lastClassState = targetNode.classList.contains(this.classToWatch)          this.init()     }      init() {         this.observer = new MutationObserver(this.mutationCallback)         this.observe()     }      observe() {         this.observer.observe(this.targetNode, { attributes: true })     }      disconnect() {         this.observer.disconnect()     }      mutationCallback = mutationsList => {         for(let mutation of mutationsList) {             if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'class') {                 let currentClassState = mutation.target.classList.contains(this.classToWatch)                 if(this.lastClassState !== currentClassState) {                     this.lastClassState = currentClassState                     if(currentClassState) {                         this.classAddedCallback()                     }                     else {                         this.classRemovedCallback()                     }                 }             }         }     } } 
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TechWisdom Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09
