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Event Handling on a Jetpack Compose Card

I have a music player app - on my screen, I have cards displaying information about tracks. When I tap on one card, the player should play its track.

fun TrackCard(track: Track) {
        modifier = Modifier.padding(5.dp).fillMaxWidth(),
        contentColor = Color.Black
    ) {
        Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(10.dp)) {
            ArtistName(text = track.artist.name)
            Headline(text = track.title)
            AlbumName(text = track.album.title)

I tried it with adding a Clickable on its Modifier like this: clickable(onClick = {}) In order to let the track play, I need another param for my TrackCard, the player itself. As I want to keep UI code separate, I was wondering if I could add an Event Listener and access play the track from there? (Also I would like to catch the different type of events like a long pressed touch etc. for different event handling as well)

The track cards get initialized like this:

private fun ResultList(model: PlayerModel) {
    with(model) {
            LazyColumn(state = rememberLazyListState()) {
                items(tracks) {

How would I accomplish this?

like image 295
Remo Avatar asked Apr 23 '21 19:04


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2 Answers

You can add a click event to a Card like this. Put the code you would want to include for the click inside the clickable function

modifier = Modifier.padding(5.dp).fillMaxWidth().clickable{ },
        contentColor = Color.Black       
like image 176
Narendra_Nath Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11


It depends by your MediaPlayer implementation, but you can decouple the card and the media player composables using something like:

val (source, setSource) = remember { mutableStateOf (

LazyColumn() {
        TrackCard(it, onClickStartSource = {setSource(it.source)})


fun TrackCard(track: Track, onClickStartSource : () -> Unit) {

        modifier = Modifier
         onClick = {onClickStartSource},
            //your code
    ){ /* ... */ }

Also you can use the combinedClickable modifier to get the different click events:

    modifier = Modifier
        //.clickable(onClick = onClickStartSource)
            onLongClick = { /*....*/ },
            onDoubleClick ={ /*....*/ }),
    contentColor = color
like image 42
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11

Gabriele Mariotti