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Evaluate Tree Expression via Visitor

I have a expression made by composite design pattern:

interface TreeExpression{
    void accept(Visitor visitor);

abstract class Operator{
    TreeExpression childA;
    TreeExpression childB;

    Operator(TreeExpression a, TreeExpression b){
        this.childA = a;
        this.childB = b;

class PlusTreeExpression extends Operator implements TreeExpression{
    public PlusTreeExpression(TreeExpression a, TreeExpression b) {
        super(a, b);

    public void accept(Visitor visitor) {

class MultiplyTreeExpression extends Operator implements TreeExpression{
    public MultiplyTreeExpression(TreeExpression a, TreeExpression b) {
        super(a, b);

    public void accept(Visitor visitor) {

class IntegerNode implements TreeExpression{
    Integer value;

    IntegerNode(int v){
        this.value = v;

    public void accept(Visitor visitor) {

and visitor for getting string from expression:

interface Visitor{
    void visit(PlusTreeExpression tree);
    void visit(MultiplyTreeExpression tree);
    void visit(IntegerNode node);

class PrintVisitor implements Visitor{
public StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

    public void visit(IntegerNode node) {

    public void visit(PlusTreeExpression tree) {

    public void visit(MultiplyTreeExpression tree) {

This visitore works and now I am trying make visitor for evaluate expression but here I have a problem. I tried few ways how to do it but I don't know how to get value from child tree into root without changing existing code.

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Marek Čačko Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 23:01

Marek Čačko

1 Answers

As far as I can see the problem here is that you are defining how the tree will be traversed in the tree itself and not in the visitor. While this can be a valid approach (design patterns do have variations) I think that in this case is better to decouple the tree structure from the traversing order (pre-order, in-order, post-order). As a matter of fact a typical exercise when teaching this pattern is to write the three visitors, each one performing a different traversal.

In your case I would:

  1. Represent the expressions as a tree just like you did, but removing form the accept the traversing parts. In your code the accept would look like:

    public void accept(Visitor visitor)
  2. Define public getters for the childs of your nodes, so that the visitor can access them (getChildA(), getChildB() and getValue()).

  3. Write a visitor for the type of traversal that you need. For evaluating the expression you will generally use a post-order while for printing the expression you can use in-order (as in your example). So, for evaluating the expression you will end with something that looks like this:

    class EvalVisitor implements Visitor{
            public Integer visit(IntegerNode node) {
                return node.getValue();
            public Integer visit(PlusTreeExpression tree) {
                return this.visit(tree.getChildA()) + this.visit(tree.getChildB());
            public Integer visit(MultiplyTreeExpression tree) {
                return this.visit(tree.getChildA()) * this.visit(tree.getChildB());


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Andrés Fortier Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Andrés Fortier