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Evaluate symbolic expression



 syms t;          % Define symbolic var x. 
 y = int( t^2 );  % Calculate integral of x; it should be t^3/3.
 x = [1:10]  

Now I want to calculate y(x), it should be [1/3, 8/3, .., 1000/3].

like image 633
Fantomas Avatar asked Nov 29 '09 15:11


Video Answer

1 Answers

Short answer: use subs. Long answer:

 >> syms t;
 >> y = int(t^2) % note: as rzrgenesys187 says, this is t^3/3

 y =


 >> x = 1:10; % same as x = [1:1:10]            
 >> subs(y, 't', x)   

 ans =

  Columns 1 through 7

     0.3333    2.6667    9.0000   21.3333   41.6667   72.0000  114.3333

   Columns 8 through 10

   170.6667  243.0000  333.3333

If you want to make the expression y(x) behave like function invocation, you can bind the variable y using an anonymous function:

 >> y = int(t^2);         
 >> y = @(t) subs(y, 't', t); % the 't^3/3' value of y gets bound into the anonymous function
 >> y(x)

 ans =

   Columns 1 through 7

     0.3333    2.6667    9.0000   21.3333   41.6667   72.0000  114.3333

   Columns 8 through 10

   170.6667  243.0000  333.3333

 >> y(2)

 ans =

like image 134
SCFrench Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10
