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Euler angles vs. Quaternions - problems caused by the tension between internal storage and presentation to the user?


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What is the difference between Euler angles and quaternions?

Euler angles are "degree angles" like 90, 180, 45, 30 degrees. Quaternions differ from Euler angles in that they represent a point on a Unit Sphere (the radius is 1 unit). You can think of this sphere as a 3D version of the Unit circle you learn in trigonometry.

Are quaternions better than Euler angles?

Euler angles are better than quaternions. You should always store Euler angles in memory and use quaternions only for calculations.

Why should you use quaternions over Euler angles?

And they are good reasons. As you already seem to understand, quaternions encode a single rotation around an arbitrary axis as opposed to three sequential rotations in Euler 3-space. This makes quaternions immune to gimbal lock. Also, some forms of interpolation become nice and easy to do, like SLERP.

Do Euler angles suffer from gimbal lock?

, as the succession of three rotational movements around three axes that are perpendicular one to the next. This similarity between linear coordinates and angular coordinates makes Euler angles very intuitive, but unfortunately they suffer from the gimbal lock problem.

Quaternions are arguably an appropriate choice for representing object rotations internally. They are simple and efficient to interpolate and represent a single orientation unambiguously.

However, presenting quaternions in the user interface is generally inappropriate - Euler angles are generally much more familiar to users, and their values are a little more intuitive and predictable.

Euler angles suffer from being complicated at the code level - they require that an order of rotation is stored, and composing a practical orientation (be it matrix or quaternion) using this order and associated angles is cumbersome, to say the least.

Reliable interpolations are most conveniently performed using quaternion representation - so does this mean we must convert constantly between an Euler representation and a quaternion representation? Is this feasible in terms of performance?

Can we store the orientations as quaternions and convert them only for displayed to the user? This may not be possible because for any given orientation there is exactly one quaternion representation but many Euler representations. How do we 'pick' the Euler representation that corresponds to the one that originally defined that orientation? It seems like an impossible task - we've effectively lost information when converting to a quaternion.

Could we store as Euler angles and then convert to quaternions as needed? This probably isn't scalable - conversion from an Euler angle to a quaternion, interpolation, and then conversion back again is likely to be relatively expensive code.

Could we simply store both representations and use the most appropriate for any given situation? A large cost in terms of memory (imagine animation curves for a skeleton with around sixty bones) and keeping these values synchronised could be expensive, or at least cumbersome.

Has anybody seen, used or though up any clever solution to this problem? Surely the three options above aren't out only ones? Are there any other problem domains similar to this that have been solved?