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ETL SSIS - Package taking too long when starting another step




I'm having some trouble to diagnose this situation. In short, when I'm going to the next step, it will only start after a very long time (as you can see in the image below).


Anyone has any tips that I might investigate further?

Thank you

like image 336
Sérgio Rebelo Avatar asked Oct 29 '18 12:10

Sérgio Rebelo

2 Answers

If you want to get a better idea of exactly where the delays are, try implementing logging on the objects causing the slow-downs. Specifically, log the PipelineComponentTime event, which indicates how long each component take within a particularity phase. If you're wanting to track the time between when a task stops and the next starts, try looking at this event for the PrimeOutput and PostExecute phases of the first task, and the PreExecute and ProcessInput, and phases and the subsequent component. Without looking at your package, I'd suspect that the majority of the time is being spent in the PrimeOutput phase and you'll want to focus on this one.

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userfl89 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10


Steps of execution are these:
1- pre-execution
2- execution
3- post-execution

Those time you have highlighted are the moments when the pre-execution and post-execution has been started.
so it seems it took 2mins to run your whole package
and it is not just from one step going to another.
I wish this answer helps

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El.Hum Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10
