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/etc/hosts file permission Mamp Pro



I'm running MAMP and it's telling me that it can't write to the /etc/hosts file. I'm guessing it's a permission issue but not totally sure. This is the error:

The file /etc/hosts couldn't be written

Any thoughts?

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Marc Avatar asked May 01 '11 19:05


2 Answers

Go to your hosts file (/etc/hosts) and delete this line (null)
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Arend Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09


On you mac, via the go to folder command (or cmd-shift-g) go to /etc/hosts. You will likely find that your hosts file is locked. Do a get info (cmd-i) on the file and uncheck 'locked'. Also check to see if you have write or read-only permissions under "Sharing and permissions". This is what I did and now my MAMP Pro works 100%

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Distantclarity Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
