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Espresso 2 - How to Test Multiple Activities?

I have seen some questions about it.

eg. Android Espresso testing app flow

But the anwser above is not working in espresso 2. Here is my snippet

public ActivityTestRule<SplashActivity> mActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(SplashActivity.class);

public void splashActivityTest() {

    // launch the main activity
    ViewInteraction appCompatButton = onView(
            allOf(withId(R.id.introduction_goto_btn), withText("goToMainActivity"), isDisplayed()));

    // the hierarchy can't find HomeBtn , it still hold the Splash's View, so the code below will fail

If Multi-Activities Test is not allow in one TestFile, then how to make a flow to test multiple activities?

like image 750
2BAB Avatar asked Aug 18 '16 04:08


1 Answers

I've got same trouble. Espresso doesn't wait for new activity run, even when I used an idling. So it forced me to set delays before checking views on new activity

Create interface:

* Interface for expectations of compliance with the conditions.
public interface Condition {
  * @return text description for log output when check failed.
 String getDescription();

  * @return true if the condition is met.
 boolean check();

And use it like this:

* Wait while condition come true or timeout limit.
* @param condition condition for exit
* @param timeout   limit in seconds
* @throws Exception exception
public static void waitForCondition(Condition condition, int timeout) throws Exception {
final int CONDITION_NOT_MET = 0;
final int CONDITION_MET = 1;
final int TIMEOUT = 2;

final int INTERVAL = 250;

int status = CONDITION_NOT_MET;
int elapsedTime = 0;

do {
  if (condition.check()) {
    status = CONDITION_MET;
  } else {
    elapsedTime += INTERVAL;

  if (elapsedTime >= timeout * 1000) {
    status = TIMEOUT;
} while (status != CONDITION_MET);

if (status == TIMEOUT) {
  String msg = condition.getDescription() + " - took more than " + timeout + " seconds. Test stopped.";
  throw new Exception(msg);


public class MovieScreenVisible implements Condition {
  public String getDescription() {
    return "Movie screen should be on the top";

  public boolean check() {
    Activity activity = TestBase.getCurrentActivity();
    if (activity == null || !(activity instanceof MovieActivity)) {
      return false;

    ViewGroup layout = activity.findViewById(R.id.movie_fragment);
    return layout != null && layout.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;

// wait maximum 30 seconds until movie screen should be visible
waitForCondition(new MovieScreenVisible(), 30); 
like image 126
MaxF Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
