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ESLint - Configuring "no-unused-vars" for TypeScript

I use ESLint in all of my TypeScript projects with the following settings:

  "extends": ["airbnb", "prettier", 'plugin:vue/recommended'],   "plugins": ["prettier"],   "parserOptions": {   "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",   "ecmaVersion": 2018,   "sourceType": "module"   }, 
  • a bunch of custom rules. I've also installed the following dependencies for TypeScript support:

      "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^1.7.0",   "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^1.7.0", 

However, one of ESLint's most useful rules, https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unused-vars, seems to be very poorly configured for TypeScript projects. For example, when I export an enum, the rule warns me that the enum isn't in use in the file where it is declared:

export enum Foo {    Bar, } 

Similarly, when I import an interface or class to be used as a type, 'no-unused-vars' will complain again on the the line of the actual import:

In Foo.ts

export interface Foo {    bar: string; } 

In bar.ts

import { Foo } from './Foo' const bar: Foo = { bar: 'Hello' }; 

Is there any way to configure the no-unused-vars rule to take these two cases into account? I'm not a fan of disabling the rule, as it is one of the most helpful rules in my entire ruleset outside of these cases.

I've already downgraded the rule to only give a warning instead of an error, but having all my documents filled with warnings still kind of defeats the purpose of using esLint.

Filling my all my documents with //eslint-disable-line as suggested here also seems like a bad solution.

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Rins Avatar asked Sep 05 '19 09:09


People also ask

How do you ignore no-unused-vars ESLint?

To apply the ESLint no-unused-vars rule to a block of JavaScript code, we can wrap the code block that we want to apply the rule to with /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ and /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ respectively. to wrap the code that we want the rule to apply with the comments.

How do you remove unused variables from ESLint?

To automatically remove unused imports, we will need to add the eslint-plugin-unused-imports plugin. Now, when you run ESLint, you should see error lines saying error '<imported-var>' is defined but never used unused-imports/no-unused-imports for the files where you have unused imports.

Can ESLint be used for TypeScript?

ESLint is a JavaScript linter that you can use to lint either TypeScript or JavaScript code.

How do I disable TypeScript Eslint?

If you are using ESLint and you need to disable the next line, use this code: eslint-disable-next-line.

1 Answers

It's a bit buried in the documentation, but if you add some things to the 'extends' property, you can use both the rules recommended by ESLint like no-unused-vars, and have it actually work in Typescript. Like so:

"extends": [         "eslint:recommended",         "plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended",         "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"     ], 

@typescript-eslint/recommended seems to be the thing that allows eslint:recommended to deal with Typescript constructs effectively. Not sure how it would affect your other extensions though.

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dolios Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
