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Escaping " in Rails and Javascript

I have an array of hashes that consists of my product data in @product_records. I can extract the name of the product using the map function like this:

<%= @product_records.map{|x|x["Name"]} %> 

which renders exactly how I want it to the page like this:


I want to try and pass this into a javascript variable so that I can use it with JQuery autocomplete.

var data = <%= @product_records.map{|x|x["Name"]} %> 

When I try and set it though the double quotes are escaping like this:

[&quot;Product1&quot;, &quot;Product2&quot;,...,&quot;Productn&quot;] 

I have tried various things to try and get the quotes back (.to_json etc) but nothing seems to work. There probably a very simple answer to this but I can't find what it is.

Cheers for any help.

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GrahamJRoy Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 09:06


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2 Answers

Use <%= raw your_variable %> :)

like image 187
Svilen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09


When you use that variable in javascript make sure, you have single quote to execute rails code in javascript.

'<%= raw @products.to_json %>' 


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Rameshwar Vyevhare Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Rameshwar Vyevhare