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Escape symbols in Rebol url

I am using Rebol I am trying to escape an @ symbol in my url, but it is not working. I have also tried manually escaping it, but that does not work either.

I have tried the following:

read ftp://mydomain:12345/path/to/@folderA
read ftp://mydomain:12345/path/to/%40folderA

If I have a folder, folderB (no @ in path), it works fine:

read ftp://mydomain:12345/path/to/folderB

I have also tried writing the url as a string, both unescaped and not, and then used to-url, but it gives similar results.

Using decode-url, it seems like Rebol misinterprets the url in all my cases.

How do I escape urls in Rebol?

like image 223
senevoldsen Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 15:03


1 Answers

You can try this variation

read [
scheme: 'ftp
 host: "mydomain"
 port-id: 12345
 path: "path/to/"
 target: "@folderA"

in order to make it complete you can use

read [
 scheme: 'ftp
 host: "mydomain"
 port-id: 12345
 user: ask "user? "
 pass: ask/hide "password? "
 path: "path/to/"
 target: "@folderA"
like image 106
sqlab Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
