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escape problem in django templates

Let's say that I have this string:

s = '<p>Hello!</p>'

When I pass this variable to a template, I want it to be rendered as raw html. Looking at the docs I see that I can either use the safe filter:


or disable autoescape:

{%autoescape off}

or inside the python code declare it safe:

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
s = mark_safe(s)

None of these options are working for me. Whatever I do, the string is displayed as:


I must be missing something, just couldn't figure out what. Is there some security setting somewhere that disallows escaping?

EDIT: Bizarre, the problem seems to be gone after I have restarted the computer.

like image 991
shanyu Avatar asked May 15 '09 22:05


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2 Answers

I think you should write as follows


it is ok for me

like image 117
Kevin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


You pretty much covered it, those are indeed all the ways to disable autoescaping.

Are you sure the value you are talking about is actually s = '<p>Hello!</p>'?

My hunch is that you have additional escaping somewhere in that string...

like image 43
Yuval Adam Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Yuval Adam