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Escape a string (add slashes) in VB.net?

Very simple question (surprisingly I can't find a similar question anywhere): how do I escape form data in VB.net? I have various lines like this:

Dim query As String = "exec sp_Message_insert @clientid='" + pClientId + "', @message='" + pMessage + "', @takenby='" + pUserId + "', @recipients='" + pRecipients + "'"

If I use an apostrophe in the message then of course this screws up the query. I've looked through the intellisense functions on the string but don't see anything appropriate...

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DisgruntledGoat Avatar asked Aug 11 '09 15:08


3 Answers

What exactly do you mean by escaping? VB.NET doesn't have 'escaping' in the same way that c-style languages do.

Now, if you want to ensure that there are no single-qoutes in the pClientId variable, then you have two options:

Option 1 (not recommended for this scenario): do a simple replace. I.e.

pClientId = String.Replace(pClientId, "'","''")

But, as noted, I would NOT do this for what appears to be a SQL Command. What I would do is Option 2: use data parameters to pass parameters to your DB during sql commands

For example:

Dim cn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.CommandText= "sp_Message_insert"
cmd.Parameters.add(New SqlParameter("@clientid", pClientId)
cmd.Parameters.add(New SqlParameter("@message", pMessage)
cmd.Parameters.add(New SqlParameter("@takenby", pUserId)
cmd.Parameters.add(New SqlParameter("@recipients", pRecipients)
like image 95
Stephen Wrighton Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Stephen Wrighton

If you want to escape the strings then you first have to tell what database you are using. You have to use the correct escaping for the specific database so that you escape all the characters that you need to, but only those.

I don't know of any database that uses slash as escape character. MySQL uses backslashes, perhaps that is what you mean?

The best is not to escape the strings at all, but to use a parameterised query. Example:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("sp_Message_insert")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@clientid").Value = pClientId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@message").Value = pMessage
cmd.Parameters.Add("@takenby").Value = pUserId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@recipients").Value = pRecipients
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Guffa Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


I think you can just do two apostrophes to create the one. I apologize if that does not work, it has been a while since I have done it that way, I would suggest using SQL Parameters, this will automatically handle your special characters and prevent SQL injection.

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RiddlerDev Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
