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ES6 includes but case insensitive

I know I can loop through array and just change value toLowerCase().

I'm curious if there's a reactjs or es6 method that can check if the value is in array.

On addTodo function. You can see that I use includes but this method is case sensitive.

Here's what I have

class Todo extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="todo">
                <input type="checkbox" />

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.todos = [
            'Get Up from bed', 
            'Eat Breakfast'

    eachTodo(task, i) {
        return (
            <Todo key={i} index={i}>{task}</Todo>

    addToDo() {
        let task_title = this.refs.newTodo.value;

        if(task_title !== '') {
            let arr = this.todos;

            var arr_tlc = this.todos.map((value) => {
                return value.toLowerCase();

            if(arr_tlc.indexOf(task_title.toLowerCase()) === -1) {

                    todos: arr

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="main-app">
                <input ref="newTodo" placeholder="Task"/>
                <button onClick={this.addToDo.bind(this)}>Add Todo</button>

                <div className="todos">


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

like image 215
Kevin Durant Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 08:11

Kevin Durant

1 Answers

I would suggest using a Map instead of an array for your todo list. A Map has the advantage that it provides key-based look-up in constant time, and does not store duplicate entries with the same key. You could then use the lower case variant as the key, and the original (mixed-case) string as the value for that key.

You could define todos as a Map instead of an array, and use the lower case string as the key:

constructor(props) {
    this.todos = new Map();
    this.addToDo('Get Up from bed'); 
    this.addToDo('Eat Breakfast');

Then, to add the task becomes very straightforward, as a Map overwrites duplicates:

addToDo() {
    this.todos.set(task_title.toLowerCase(), task_title);
        todos: this.todos

In rendering you would need to use Array.from(..., <map-function>), as .map is not defined for Map objects:

<div className="todos">
    {Array.from(this.todos, this.eachTodo)}

Which means the eachToDo method will receive a pair of strings (an array), instead of a string, and we want to display the second of the pair, so using index [1]:

eachTodo(task, i) {
    return (
        <Todo key={i} index={i}>{task[1]}</Todo>
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trincot Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 16:10
