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errors while validating whitelabel in sendgrid [closed]



We are getting Error while validating whitelabel listing in sendgrid

• Expected CNAME for "info.domainname.org" to match "u6790682.wl183.sendgrid.net".
• Expected CNAME for "s1._domainkey.domain.org" to match "s1.domainkey.u6790682.wl183.sendgrid.net".
• Expected CNAME for "s2._domainkey.domain.org" to match "s2.domainkey.u6790682.wl183.sendgrid.net".

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Harshit Sethi Avatar asked Feb 14 '18 15:02

Harshit Sethi

2 Answers

I faced this problem recently until I discovered the problem. First, I suggest you read here for an introduction to resolving your problem: Sendgrid Troubleshooter (Former link is dead. Updated with an archive.)

For my case, the problem was: TLD Auto-Appending which is done automatically by Azure.

I quote, "Some DNS hosts will automatically add your top-level domain to the end of DNS records you create, which can turn a CNAME for “email.domain.com” into “email.domain.com.domain.com”."

Be sure to follow the convention on existing records in your DNS panel when adding new ones, as sometimes you will only need to add what is to the left of the top-level domain.

i.e. A CNAME for “email.” becomes “email.domain.com”

Do try to verify the Cname data on your hosting provider and compare with s1._domainkey.domain.org

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Olorunfemi Davis Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10

Olorunfemi Davis

If you are on CloudFlare. Disable proxy and wait for 1-2 min then verify again.

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PSN Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10